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Hmmm moving


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Well after a year or two of threatening I am finally moving my family out to Ontario I am down to only a few fish now ( thanks to a huge crash :cuss: ). Now I am trying to plan how to get the fish out to Ontario. I am required to take 7 Days to drive out here from Wainwright. So I see these three options,

1) sell my fish and get new ones in Ontario, don't like this that much because I need to go to Toronto to find anything cool.

2) Bag up the fish bring them in coolers and have a rubber mad tub to let them swill free ever night, or get a water storage tank and bring them on a trailer.


3) board them some with some one who can send them to me UPS over night or airport to airport.

So what do you guys think,

I know I have 2 L205, 2 clown loaches, about 9 Columbian tetras, and about 10 other misc fish, all small fish the largest is about 4".

If someone is willing to board the fish or pay me say $150 for the whole lot PM me,

I need to do something by Aug 4 since that is the day before the movers come to pack.

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2 years ago my dad drove the fish tanks all the way from Windsor On to Calgary. We had some fish but surrendered them to the pet shops. All we had in that tank was cherry shrimps (they were in the car day and night for like 5 days, minimum water and probably huge flux in temperature) and they made it alive here. I'm thinking if you have hardy fish and driving with the tank it might be an option to bring the fish with you. Maybe just take out the gravel so their skin doesn't get scraped off.

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I would board them if i was you. Like you said, you have a long drive to buy new in Ont. and if some of those fish are hard to get unless you buy minnows. If you need a place to board, I could set up a temp tank for you and send them once you got settled.


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Keep yourself on the lists of Spencer Jack and maybe Canadian Aquatics, they will have those fish for when you get to ON for sure. I would sell the livestock, it's just so much easier.

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Ok, so the fish are up for sale, fale safe I am going to call the LFS in Wainwright and see if I can trade them for a crate for the dog. Now I am going to have to do a fish order, maybe I can get moere tanks set up :smokey:

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