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I'm having troubles breeding rams with out altering the water, I wanna breed them but just don't wanna change water parameters cause I know if I did then suddenly a change it the water parameters something could go wrong and lose the baby rams.

The most I got out of my rams where eggs but then only last 2 days tell they eat them or just no interest in fanning them

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Do they eat them because the eggs spoiled with fungus or was it just inadequate breeding instincts? Lower pH may give some protection against fungus. If it was "cannibalism", it is often said that breeding instincts are better if there are some other fish that form a potential threat to the eggs. My first apistogramma spawn was meticulously guarded by the female from a pack of 16 red phantoms until she started a second spawn about 5 weeks later. She just transferred all the new fry by mouth from a hollow stone to the "lair" where the eggs were originally hatched, just as the lights were starting their sunset dim-down. Not sure if that happens every evening. It is the first time I noticed it. Very cool to watch.

I do use RO water for the tank and have observed no ill consequences of doing water changes while breeding was going on. I did not feed the fry for the first 5 weeks with their mom just relying on the tank to have enough to nibble on for them. 20 of the first spawn are now in a 10G tank where they get fed nauplii 3 times a day. 6 of the fry were left behind in the display tank and are still surviving on whatever they can find as they do not yet take food that I provide to the other fish. Yet the 6 in the tank are growing faster than the ones getting lots of nauplii. I do daily 2 gallon (20%) water changes in the 10G tank, replacing with water from the main display tank which has the same temp and water parameters. Again no ill consequences so far.

Hope you have more luck with the next spawn. It's a lot of fun to watch them grow up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm guessing you're adding several flat rocks or surfaces for them to choose.

Take these out after a few hours, once the male has had some time.

You will have to raise the eggs/fry yourself. Add methylene blue and use a bubbler, at minimum. Raise the temperature slowly.

There should be enough oxygen from the M.B. And bubbler.

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  • 2 months later...

I bred Rams a few years back but I used R.O. water.  I agree with biodives' post.  It can be fairly easy to keep Rams with a normal pH but I have read in a number of places breeding is another matter.  Yet, at the same time perhaps your pair just needs to learn how to raise their fry.  False starts are not always a bad thing.  

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