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Posts posted by chloeclose

  1. I've never seen Tahitian Moon any cheaper than $29.99/20lb bag.

    I just got lucky on Boxing Day when it was 35 or 40% off... can't remember which.

    I bought 3 bags for my 90. I will post pics when I have the new canopy on with the right lights and the fish finally in!! :rolleyes:

  2. I voted dark but that's just cause I recently set up my 90 with Tahitian Moon sand, I LOVE that sand!! :wub: I never would have bought it though if it hadn't been so cheap at Big Al's on Boxing Day. I also have black rocks and a black background. I really want the fish to stand out!

  3. 5 females are orange and 2 are pink. There is a lot of rocks and hiding places. I just hope I didn't get the sh*tty end of the stick on this one.

    I feel your pain Spader, if you got yours from where I got mine, you've been burned.

    Worse than me I might add, I only paid $25 for 10. :boxed: Sorry!!

  4. There IS a lot of conflicting info on betta keeping out there isn't there?

    I have done both ways, 100% water changes every X number of days and keeping them in filtered tanks. To be honest I have found that they do better in 100% wc's.

    If you've got him in a 1 gal bowl with plants, changing once a week may or may not be sufficient. How's that for a clear answer!? :lol:

    What I would do is get a cheap ammonia tester and test every day, once you see even a trace of ammonia, then you know to change all the water on the day before. For example, if on day five you see ammonia then you know to change his water every 4 days. Each betta is different and produce wastes at different rates, so you should do this for each one, assuming you have more than one kept this way. Some of mine can go as long as 7 days and some are every 3... messy little buggers! :lol:

    Also how many plants you have makes a difference as well. What kind of plants do you have in there? I like java fern the best, because of it's hardiness and that it does not require much light at all. The boys love to snuggle in 'em too... :wub:

    You don't want a plant in there that's not going to do well and add to the waste level due to dead or dying leaves etc. Some plants, such as egeria densa have been known to be notorious 'fin shredders' as well, so you'd wanna avoid those.

    Hopefully you just have a 'slow grower' on your hands, doesn't sound like fin rot at all. But be aware that sometimes they just don't ever grow back to what they were. The betta that I had catch his fins on the divider never did grow his back fully... Which really p'd me off 'cuz he had beautiful fins for a veil tail. :(

    HTH! :)

  5. No it's not the snails.

    Sometimes it takes a very long time for betta fins to grow back and sometimes they just never do. Or sometimes they will grow out a bit and then they will get 'blown' all over again... with some of my guys it's a never ending cycle. I believe this has a lot to do with the shoddy conditions a lot of pet stores keep their bettas in. I quite frequently have bettas with problem fins and tails that I 'rescued' from one of the evil big box chain stores. But the CT I bought from Gold's has beautiful finnage that just keeps on growing. :wub:

    Pristine water conditions, and good quality food should help. Also if you have too much current in your tank that could be hindering the growth as well. Some people swear by Melafix by I have never found it to help.

    Also it is possible that your betta due to stress and open wounds from the fight, succumbed to fin rot. Are the edges of his fins black or clear? Bloody at all? Fin rot can be treated with Maracyn 2.

    HTH! :)

  6. Is that the daddy of my babies Garret? Ooooo.... -ham-

    I was wondering, are all the males from a red/blue spawn always blue?

    The reason I'm asking is that the one female is soooo much bigger than the other fry and very agressive. She is also a paler orange than her sisters, with a tinge of blue in her fins, could she possibly be a he?? :wacko:

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