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Posts posted by BigA

  1. Tank has been set up for about 6 months. As far as water changes, I do about 25%, but I am not sure exactly. I have been cleaning the filter media with every water change. Usually running it under the water that I siphoned off. The dechloronator that I use is Aquaplus, made by nutrafin. Is this ok? What else would you use?


  2. Hi. I have a 29gal tank with a pair of breeding P. pulcher in it, along with 10 fry about a month old. Noticed today that the water is kinda murky or cloudy. Last of my weekly water changes was on Sat, Jan 13th. pH is 7.5, ammonia is a little high at .25ppm, 0 nitrites, and nitrates are at 5ppm. Just wondering if more frequent water changes would fix the problem or if another solution is what I have to do? Add something to enhance the biological filter? Any help woult be great. Thank you


  3. Yay!!!!!! Fry batch number two has finally come!!!!! as near as I can guestimate, there are 20-25 fry free swimming in the tank right now. Unfortunately this new spawn has come at a cost. The parents harrassed my remaining fish to death, and as of now all I have are the kribs and the fry. Went to big als today to pick up some brine shrimp for the little guys to munch on. Anyway, that's my new adventure. Hopefully I'll have some of this batch survive, as unfortunately none of the last batch did. :thumbs:

  4. How about that auction?? Anyone else get anything good? I managed to pick up an albino bristlenose pl*c. But to the matter at hand. My kribs had babys!!!!!! As far as I can see there are only three, but I'm still very excited. Does anyone know of a good article or any info on raising krib fry?? Feeding?? When to seperate from the parent fish? Any info at all would be spectacular. Thank you very much.


  5. Ok. to go along with this now, yesterday I found one of my swords in the tank dead. The tail of the fish had been torn apart. Now one of the platys is still alive, but has had its tail torn apart. I've seen the cichlids chasing the livebearers a little, but not sure if its enough to cause this. water levels are all good, bi weekly water changes of 1/4 of the tank. Are they the cause of this or could it be something else?

  6. They are either breeding or getting ready to. The female is the nest guardian and the male is typically the area guardian. He will make frequent trips to check in on her. I have had males bring food to the female as well and spit it into the cave. I have also had wild P.Pulchers that the female buried herself in the cave and didn't open the doorway till the young fry started spinning out of the cave. Kribensis are awesome parents yet prone to mistakes in the beginning. Eating eggs, eating fry, etc... but they mature and grow out of this. Even if they fail, keep letting them do what they do, in most cases they can raise fry better than we ever could. Good luck and enjoy. How big are the fish? If the fish are truly spawning You should notice a deeper color, in the females belly and the males orange. Get ready for fun once the fry are ready to swim around. That male should be teaching a few fish in Your tank a valuable lesson. If You have nocturnal fish, leaving a night light on beside or close to the tank should let the parents quickly react to intruders. A catfish can clear a nest out in just a few minutes in the dark.

    The males is about 2" and the female about 1.5" have noticed any major colour changes yet but will keep an eye on it and fill you in if anything happens.

  7. Hi, I've got 2 kribs which I purchased about a week ago. 1 male, 1 female. As of today, they are acting strange. female is mostly staying in a skull they like to hide in. male is darting in and out and kinda just floating at the entrance. water stats are ph 7.6, ammo 0ppg, nitrite 0ppg, nitrate 5ppm. Are they breeding? I don't think I have a prob with the water as everything looks good. Anyone have an insight on what is going on and if anything is wrong???

  8. Just wondering if anyone has ever kept S. petricola. Especially very young ones. I picked on up the other day, about 1" long. Owner of the LFS said it was about 4 months old. It's in a 29G with 2 P. pulcher, 3 albino sword, and 2 platies. Water is ph 7.5, 0 ammo, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate. Any special recommendations? Tried searching several websites and didn't get very much info.

    Thanks for the help.


  9. Hi all. New to the forum My name is Aaron, from Edmonton. Only 2 tanks right now. 29g, running with an eclipse hood & filter, currently housing 2 P. pulcher (1m, 1f), 3 albino lyre-tail swords (1m, 2f), and 2 sunset platies (1m, 1f). Looking to add somesort of catfish to the mix as well.

    Also have a 2g hex. It's got nothing, but I am looking at a blue paradise for it.

    I've been keeping fish for about ten years and have had experience breeding livebearers and bettas. My favourite fish that I have ever kept is by far Polypterus senegalus. Amazing fish. so much personality. If you ever have a chance get one. Just be careful. or else you might be missing some tetras in the morning!!!!

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