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Posts posted by BigA

  1. I've seen in several post and books, that a person can obtain fish that are listed as "OB". Now I know this stands for orange and black, but what is the cause of this? Is it some sort of genetic defect or recessive gene? Is it only in cichlids? I've seen lots of examples of rift lake cichlids that are "OB", and a few New worlds as well. What about other types of fish? Tetras? Barbs? Cats? Does this occur in Marine fish as well? Can an "OB" breed with a "norm" from the same species? What would the offspring turn out like?

    Thanks in advance for any info you can give.

  2. They are owned by the same conglomerate anyway, I think.

    Nope, All the Petlands this side of BC are owned by a dude in Manitoba and the PJ's are own by two dudes in Toronto who's names happen to be Peter and John.

    I was referring to PJ's and petsmart, not pj's and petlands. Either way I was wrong. PJ's and superpet are the ones that have the same ownership group.

  3. What is the bioload on the tank? What kind of filtration do you have? I think that maybe the tank has not completely been cycled If the tank was started in september, it won't be ready to be completely full of fish as a tank usually takes 6 months or so to fully mature. Which again brings us to the bioload? How many fish and how big? What is your feeding schedule like? How often and how much?

  4. Okay...I am trying to decide what will go in my future 150 gallon (5x2x2ft.). I inquired about one motoro stingray and I was informed that he will be okay in that tank. Currently the stingray is maybe 6-7 inch in diameter.

    The tank will have a thin layer of black sand and one or two medium/large pieces of driftwood in the back. The front will be kept open. The filters will be an FX5 for biological and fluval 404 and xp3 for mechanical filtration.

    So right now I am thinking of putting:

    1 x motoro stingray

    1 x EBJD (7-8 inches TL)

    1 x Heros notatus or WC Green severum

    1 x polypterus senegalus (8 inches)

    2 x purple spotted gudgeon (3 inches and 4 inches one is very FAT!)

    1 x male honduran red point (3 inches)

    Should I put any BNPs? A school of some sort of tetra or barb?

    Any comments or feedback is greatly appreciated. If it is too much...what would you suggest?


    If you want to put some barbs or tetras in, I'd go with some larger ones like congo tetras or denisoni barbs

  5. So, in essence, even though NLS is the same price point (or even a little bit more) as the other premium wafers, the higher quality and more suitable ingredients produce are more efficiently digested and less waste is produced, therefore actually having to feed lower amounts to the fish to get the same amount of nutrients at less of an overall cost to the fishkeeper. Is that the gist of it? And they don't breakdown as fast once in the water, which reduces the amount of food that is left uneaten? Hence the name - H2O Stable.

    That is great information to know. Thank you.

  6. I had already tried that before starting this thread. I didn't find anything on the site that answered this question. There was a list of ingredients and jar sizes and some info on the other products like the Thera-A, but none that I could find on the H2O Stable.

  7. Hi everyone. I had a quick question I wanted to ask RD about the NLS H2O Stable wafers and flake. I feed my fish NLS community pellet and the H2O stable wafers. What do they mean by H2O stable? How is that any different from the standard fish formulas from NLS? From other brands spirunla wafers?

  8. I don't keep one yet, but it is definitely on my to do list. Need to move out of my apartment and buy a house first though.

    Oh you'd be surprised, the cost is going down on these guys all the time, especially with the strengthening Canadian dollar. You just wait a few months for the new currency rates to work their way through the system and you may find them irresistably priced! :)

    Cost isn't as much of a concern as space. Need to get out of our apartment to a place that is a bit more spacious.

  9. Nice tank. Can't wait to see all those fish together when they are full grown. Do you have plans for the next tank? I'm guessing it'll have to be 400-500gal just to accomodate the red tail cat.

    I am in the process of finding a 16x10pond liner to build an indoor 650+galoon pond... My plans have been approved by the wife and now I just need to build it... unfortunetly most of the 13tank(420gallons) currently in the fishroom will need to relocated in order to accomodate the pond...but its worth it

    Definitely. I wish my wife would approve that size of a project for me. Can't wait to see the pics of the pond once it's done!!!!

  10. Tanks that sized can be purchased at almost any LFS. For lighting I would get a compact flouescent light, about 15W or so. For you filtration either Prizm Nano, or AC Mini. You could ever just go with a sponge filter if you wanted. You would also need a small heater, assuming that your office is like mine and the temperature is centrally controlled. 15-25W should do it.

    As far as plants, some anubias would be real nice in the tank. For livestock I would go with a pair of Aphyosemion striatum (killifish)


    or a less common variety of Betta (combtail or halfmoon).


    Maybe an oto or a couple shrimp for cleanup crew.

    Hope this helps.

  11. hahaha, caught me being a Dolt >>> anyways, PJ's Pets, at their new location.... Canadian Tire/Lamelle's etc..

    Pj's pets on calgary trail moved? Where to?

    They were on the North Side Calgary trail, now they are in the Shopping complex by Canadian Tire in there, not sure how long they have been here... but its a new location to me ! Being I am an outta towner hick and all ! LOL

    They've been there for about a year. I worked at future shop there on the south side and I believe they moved in sometime during the summer of '06.

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