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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Shai

  1. I had camallanus in my tanks a year ago, and I tried and tried to find levamisole in Calgary and couldn't. I ordered my supply from Charles Harrison in the states. http://inkmkr.com/Fish/ (his email link is at the bottom of the page). He was very prompt and the price was reasonable. The instructions were clear too. If you use any of your equipment with multiple tanks (nets, buckets, etc) and if you have transferred any fish in the last 3 to 6 months you will have to dose every tank. Camallanus will be everywhere even if it hasn't shown up yet--it can take 3 to 5 months for the parasite to show externally.
  2. The admins did decide what ranks people get via their post count. If you go to My Controls and input a custom title, this overrides the automatic ranking system. It's not a new set of ranks, it's just one title for yourself. Try it.
  3. I just recently purchased a set of four spoons from BENIX & Co. (they carry glassware, kitchen stuff and other odds and ends) for about $3.50: Dash Pinch Smidgen Nip (should be 1/64)
  4. lol I kind of thought so, but better to check! Thanks.
  5. When the chart says to dose, for example, 3/4 tsp KN03 3x a week, does that mean you put in 3/4 tsp each time (for a total of 3 tsp/week) or do you take one 3/4 tsp and split that amount up between those three days?
  6. I need to take more pictures! Maybe this weekend. : ) Thanks for the comments!
  7. Here's another bad idea: http://comfish.kr/eng/product/comfish.php
  8. Well, maybe I will have some luck! I just got home from a work function and found my 33g was cloudy. Closer inspection revealed lots of sand kicked up into the water. At first I was like, wuh??? Then I saw... They've made themselves a little nest...so who knows!
  9. >.> The video is somewhat deceptive. He's not quite as purple as it makes him look! Sometimes, depending how the light hits him, he's almost powder blue. I am considering changing the light in the tank. Right now it's a 50/50 CF--I like bluer light in my aquariums but the 50/50 might be too much blue for this tank. I'm contemplating a "colormax" CF instead. We'll see. I've gone from zero to three bettas in one day! Last night after I posted the video my friend called and said she needed me to come get her bettas (I volunteered to look after them for the next three months as she is going to China to teach), so off I went! It was getting late when I got home so I only had time to get the divider in my 10g and then get them into it, so today I rebagged them and set the tank up properly. : ) I insta-cycled using a sponge from another filter. I run double sponges in all my filters for just this kind of situation. Pics! I might put another background on this tank later. Right now it has stick-on "window frosting", which still lets some light through but otherwise makes the glass, well...frosted. :P Kelly had me take their silk plants but I've also added in a crypt on each side. I'll probably add more plants later--maybe some hygro or ludwigia. There's an AC20 on the tank as well, with the flow turned down. I almost sawed off my hand in the process, but I managed to modify the divider in such a way so that both sides of the tank will get a little bit of the flow from the filter without making a big hole that either fish could jump through. Kelly's bettas are gorgeous! They have very healthy finnage too, considering she is keeping them in those cube "betta condos" that chain LFSes sell. Actually, even though I disagree with how she was housing them, I do have to give her props because she's been really responsible about doing 100% water changes multiple times each week, properly conditioning the water, and not overfeeding them. The last hurdle would be to get her to get an actual tank...but maybe seeing what I've set up for them will convince her. Anyway, they are both veiltails. The red one is a solid red--I've never actually seen one that red before. He has dark blue highlights on his scales. Once they are settled in I'll get close-ups. I might have to see if anyone wants to breed him. He doesn't have a name (she just calls him "Red Fish"). The blue one (who is mostly blue but does have some red in the fins) is named Bloo. He seems to be just your typical veiltail. : )
  10. Woohoo! Oh yes, this is definitely a boy! I picked up a female (nice pink belly) and as soon as she was let loose in the tank my ram was right there, strutting around, fins out, all "Look at me, I'm all that!" He wanted to get it on with her right then and there. She was...less than impressed (LOL), though she did show some interest. But then, she was still pretty stressed from the car ride and being introduced to the tank. It's been a few hours and everyone has settled down for the night, but I think they'll be pairing up. :3
  11. And now, with video! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=BRLucjhbAkE&fmt=6
  12. I finally found myself a gorgeous betta today! He's smaller than what I usually find at chain LFSes so I'm hoping he's younger than most. I just got home and am still acclimatizing him so he's pale and still in the bag (so he won't flare either), so the pics don't do him justice at all. But! He's a gorgeous double ray crowntail and I'm pretty sure he counts as a "copper"--he has the same kind of coloring as other bettas I saw on Aquabid that were labeled as copper, including a "copper gold" I was sorely tempted to get except for the price. His body is mainly blue and he has a gorgeous lilac sheen with some paler pastel yellow/green highlights. Under incandescent lights they don't show very well, but once he's settled into the tank and has the proper tank bulb over him I'm certain he'll color up very nicely. I might be willing to lend him out if anyone wants to breed him--not sure if he's too young still for that? I also plan to get some Christmas moss and build a moss wall in this tank to reduce the reflections in the back--and more greenery will be better for the water quality. : ) Pics! What should I name him??
  13. This member doesn't have a thread in Buy/Sell. It's something we've been discussing exclusively via PM. His email address is hidden in his profile too, so I'm out of luck there. I just tried again and the inbox is still full so I'll post a message in the Water Cooler then, thanks!
  14. I need to send a PM to another member to arrange a pickup time but their inbox is full. In what forum would it be OK to post a message to that person asking them to free up some space so I can send the message? I don't think the member realizes their inbox is full--he just PM'd me late last night.
  15. With a low(er) light setup, couldn't (shouldn't?) one start with, say, half the recommended EI dosage and work upwards from there? Depending on the amount of light and what variety and how heavily planted the tank is, the amount of "overdose" may not need to be as much as what is in the chart--so the hobbyist can stretch their fert supplies longer while still getting good growth. Would you more experienced EI dosers agree with this?
  16. Shai

    33g Bowing

    : ) Thanks for the reply. I played it safe and just bought another 33g instead.
  17. Shai

    33g Bowing

    I noticed today that my 33g tank is bowing across the front. Not a whole lot (less than a centimeter at the worst point), but any bowing is worrisome. When I was at an LFS yesterday I noticed they had a 40g in stock. It's 36"L, same as my 33g, but it's something like 18"W. The stand I have my 33g on is only 13"W. It's this one: The stand is wood. If I replaced the top of the stand with a new piece of wood that is, say, 19"W (or attached this piece of wood onto the existing surface) and positioned the new piece so an equal amount hung over the front and back (would be 3" on both sides), would the width of the 40g still be supported safely? I would be nice to add a few gallons for the stock I have in this tank since I need to replace the 33g anyway (and the 40g is short too, which I like)--but I'd rather not have to get a whole new stand to do it. : \
  18. I was at one of those LFSes recently and all the bettas were pretty sad looking (lethargic, a number of them looked dead or near dead). I was both surprised and disappointed because usually they're in better shape. The other LFS is a hefty drive but I'm on vacation for a few weeks now so I might take another jaunt over there. I'll have to send Black Mbumba a PM as well! Thanks for the suggestions. : )
  19. Thanks for the comments! But still no fish! I'm having trouble finding something I like. Transhipping on AquaBid made the cost too expensive for my blood. I'm partial to crowntails. Where's a good place in the city to get good ones that aren't the same old, same old? What about local breeders, etc?
  20. The bubbles have all gone and I have a background now: Still no betta. I'm aiming for a crowntail but it's got to be just the right one. I may have to resort to AquaBid.
  21. ? You responded to my thread in the Livestock forum and I sent you a PM about it on the 26th. You haven't replied...
  22. Agreed! The only LFS that has had any was Gold's, but they were the "angel" variety, which I don't want. Maybe soon they'll have some of the regular kind. Still looking for some females to see if I can get a pair. Hopefully I'll be able to score some soon. : )
  23. Today I set up a 5.5g tank on my desk. The day I went out to get the equipment, I found the PERFECT crowntail betta, but I hadn't actually picked up the tank yet (they didn't have anything appropriate at the LFS that had the betta)...and by the time I got back to the LFS the betta was gone. ;_; (I wasn't going to spend an hour driving around the city picking up equipment with a betta in a bag in the car.) Oh well. There will be other bettas! Right now the tank is running with a filter but no media. The media is already seeded and ready and waiting stuffed inside another filter on one of my other tanks. I'm hoping to get lucky at one of my local LFSes this week. : ) The tank has black sand, a hunk of decorative blue-ish glass, a small piece of driftwood and the following plants: - Limnophila sessiflora - Anubias nana - Egeria densa - Cryptocoryne wendtii "green" - Ludwigia repens It has a 10W CF bulb over it. I'll be dosing Excel and some liquid ferts. Tonight the water is still a little cloudy from setting up and there are still a ton of little bubbles everywhere. I'll be picking up a background tomorrow. Pics:
  24. lol Transgender fish! I managed to dig up the topic where the hobbyist described her, just to make sure I was remembering things properly. Oh well, I guess the observations he made were just mixed up. Or maybe I got the wrong fish?! (Though the link in his topic to the photo of the fish still works...looks pretty much like the fish I did get.) Anyway... There were lots. I Googled "sexing german blue rams" and looked through at least three or four pages of the results. Some of the sites contradicted one another but there were a number where hobbyists were posting photos of their own mated pairs to help other people. I still ended up not being sure. This makes more sense to me now. I wasn't entirely sure before from what I was reading. Well, OK, I guess it's a male after all. So now the problem becomes 1. finding good quality GBR stock (I went to a number of LFSes today and none of them had any GBRs) and then 2. finding a female. Something else I came across on Google was that, apparently, shipments of these fish to LFSes tend to be male only. : \
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