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Posts posted by Stacey

  1. Good job Stacey. Had me worried. Are you still getting lots of air.?

    The air problem is fixed..... I think actually the problem was a different noisy filter on that tank. That's the trouble with running 7 filters on 4 tanks all in the same room.... can be hard to tell which one is running funny!

    Also, as soon as I fixed the media problem with the fx5 and started it back up, the motor ran MUCH quieter.

    I feel like such an idiot...... :blush: I put all the media in from the old filter, PLUS some extra. The filter pad on the very bottom was squished paper thin!

    thanks again guys!

  2. I've had this filter for about 3 weeks now.... and I'm not impressed. The water from the output is pretty much non-existent. When I put my hand in front of the output nozzle I cannot feel any water movement. A friend of mine has one, and he says his feels like he's put his hand in front of a garden hose. Something is clearly not right here. As far as I know, I've put it together correctly. It is running, making noise, the media in the filter is lightly soiled....... I just think it should be running better. Can anyone suggest anything I may have overlooked? I will be calling the manufacturer tomorrow for more specific troubleshooting. I don't know weather I just got a dud, or if I set it up incorrectly..... any input appreciated.

  3. My 48 inch T5 light has been working problem free for the last 2 years. However, I've read enough complaints about the 4 foot size that I were buying again today, I probably wouldn't.

    Mine just went. Now taking recommendations for replacement brands.......

  4. I have read they eventually find their own children delicious! :rolleyes:

    I think what I will do, is go back to the brackish water changes for now, until I have time to do more reading and gather some supplies. (I was too lazy to mix up the salt water last week, it was the fresh water that induced the spawning behavior.)

    These little fish continually surprise me..... I almost decided against getting them altogether, as I read they were so hard to feed, and that they are very delicate. I'm glad I did though, so far taking care of these fish has been easier that I expected.

  5. Definately. I run an FX5 on a 55G with five fancy goldfish. It keeps a nice current in the tank and minimizes the amount of service the filter needs.

    I bought a second FX5 via the deal Frank brokered last time a few months back. It's an unbeatable price.

    How much current are we talking here?

    I have an extra FX5 that I was considering on putting on a 55 that is a little overstocked...

    I find the current to be very little due to the dual output nozzle..... of course I don't have one on a 55 either. I would try it, provided there are no really small fish in the tank.

  6. Well Holy Carp! Look into my bumblebee tank yesterday and see a male in breeding colours! :w00t: Today there's 2! They're chasing around the ladies, and evicting baby trumpet snails from certain shells. :hey:

    This is where I go EEEK! What do I do now?? The only thing to breed in my tanks are snails, and they need no help! And those fish listed in my signature? those'd be the only fish I've ever had...... the cardinal tetras I can't even distinguish gender.

    Any and all tips on breeding small fish, or Bumblebee gobies specifically, would be appreciated along about now!

    I've done some reading, and it seems I should be looking for something like infusoria and rotifers as a first food....... anybody got any info on starter cultures?? That's assuming of course the fish actually lay eggs, and that those eggs hatch...

    Also, to those of you coming to the Calgary auction..... I'll be looking for some breeding supplies, a 5 gallon tank, etc....

    (hint, hint) :D

  7. My pleco prefers the fruits to the veggies. His favorites are peach, kiwi, and cantaloupe. He seems to like them best a little over ripe....... sweeter I guess. My pleco will at least sample anything I give him..... except banana....... I figured he'd love that, but no, he won't touch it.

    Never tried any nuts, probably to hard for my pleco....... I have to cook potato and pumpkin to get him to eat those, so I don't imagine he'd be interested in nuts.

  8. I always love looking at your pictures, Taylor. :thumbs: The Mexico ones were fabulous too!

    If you're ever in Calgary, please come photograph my tanks!

    ( .........I'm not kidding! I'm the world's worst photographer, I even have the certificate.... )

  9. You may have to try the veggies more than once for the pleco to realize it even IS food. Or try a piece of fruit, cantaloupe, kiwi and peach are my pleco's favorite fruits. Try inserting the wafers INTO the produce, keeps other fish away most of the time, unless it's my Oscar, who has learned that pleco food tastes good too.

    I find my pleco like his friut to be well ripened. He also eats a variety of veggies.

    Take a look at that list on Plecofanatics, people have had success feeding their pleco's almost ANY fresh fruit or vegetable.

    Remember not to leave it in longer than overnight.

  10. I think my betta is constipated.... (either that or he's got a tumor. He's got another lump on his side that's completely separate from the swelling that's between and underneath his pectoral fins.)

    I'd like to dose him with Epsom Salt. Never used this stuff before, but I've read of dosages being from 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons to 2 tablespoons per 10 gallons.

    How much should I use for 1 betta, 6 cardinal tetras, 1 small trapdoor snail and some MTS? That's if I dose the whole tank...or should I prepare a seperate short-term dip for the betta alone?

    The tank is 10 gallons, well planted.

    And are snails sensitive to epsom salt? I have plenty of MTS in the brackish tank, but maybe I should move the trapdoor snail?


  11. :thumbs: You finally joined!! :welcome: my oldest friend!

    Did you see the plant give away/swap forum? I told you this is a great place!

    -ham- it even has a hamster!

  12. So I'm reading Frank's post about the fx5's for sale for $220..... thinking this seems like a mighty fine deal. :thumbs: (Basically, I think I'm just trying to talk myself into one!)

    ....Does anyone think it might be too much filtration? (I know it's been said you can never have enough!)

    The tank is a standard rectangular 90 gallon, which houses and oscar and a pleco. Though these fish are no longer babies, they've got a while to go before they out grow the tank..... hmmm..... an fx5 might be handy on the larger tank they'll eventually need..... ( :rolleyes: told you I'm trying to talk myself into one.)

    I'm currently running an xp3 and an emperor 280. This tank gets so much dirtier than all of my other tanks..... (of course, all my other fish are much smaller.)

    Should I go for it??

  13. I started out with about six of these snails and now I have about six thousand. They can reproduce once they reach 10mm in length. One snail can produce about seventy babies by itself. They're all female and self-fertilizing.

    Okay, so 6000 might be a bit of an exaggeration (then again...maybe not). I have enough from several generations that I can't count them all and regularly do cullings to keep up some appearance of population control.

    So...I wouldn't worry. If you started with fifteen, even if some of them didn't survive, soon enough you will have...lots.

    If you're impatient though, you're welcome to trek down to my place and raid the tank. : )

    I've got to agree with Shai here. I got about a dozen at the last CAS auction, (Thanksgiving weekend) split them up between 3 tanks....... in one tank I can easily count about 50 before giving up. They seem to breed fastest in the brackish tank, I thought because of the salt, but talking with another aquarist who has tons in a discus tank, it may be that they breed faster in warmer waters. My brackish tank, the one that's just full of these little guys, is also my warmest tank.

    And speaking of these snails..... I'd just like to remind everyone that I am now giving them away for free! :thumbs: Come and get 'em!

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