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Posts posted by Golfnut

  1. Yeah I agree, when I first saw my friends 10 gallon with flourescent lights and neons I got hooked.... when was that... ohhh about grade 5 or 6. Yeesh.

    In university I bought my largest tank a 25 gallon and it helped me get through school by relieving stress ...

    Now I have 6-8 tanks and they still relieve my stress, but from work. Thank good ness for AA and Buy & Sell.



  2. I use all filters.

    My 90 gallon with community fish (80) and plants has one Aquaclear 500.

    My 80 gallon with mostly plants and a few fish will use an Aquaclear 300.

    My 77 gallon with gold fish and java ferns uses an old Fluval 403.

    My 50 gallon with one pair of parrots cichlids uses a Fluval 404.

    My 50 gallon with 6 cichlids 3 plecs uses one Aquaclear 500.

    Never had problems except with the old 403 as it is hard to prime...

    For my show tanks, I MUST USE CANISTER filters because it allows you to position the tank closer to the wall, it looks ugly to keep the tank sticking out with the aqua clears. For the basement tanks, it doens't matter how "nice" it looks.



  3. Majestic_Aquariums is totally correct, my design relys on distribution of the weight to get "strength", and in reality only the screws are what is holding it up.

    I built one using Neely's design a few years ago, but I could not get it to "sit" straight without "rocking", I mean my verticals were within 1/16", but that was not good enough. I found it "less" efficient too in terms of wood usage, but it is "far" stronger. Maybe if I had a table saw I could've done better... hehehe. B)


  4. I just built this for my 80 gallon this weekend.

    It's all 2x4's and leftover 1/2" plywood that I used as the base. I sandwiched a layer of foam (used in camping pads) that I had lying around that I didn't use anymore (some people use white or pink styrofoam which works too).

    I've used this design for all my DIY stands. I have one for a 90 and a 50 too.

    neely, has an excellent design and in fact I tried that design too, but I found you have to be much more accurate in the vertical cuts, which I was not as good at.

    I should answer the original question too...

    I use 2x4 spruce from HD or Revy... I buy the "straighest" ones I can find, but I usually have to go to the "premium" studs to find straight ones. They're around $2.75 to $3.50 I think.


  5. Well its WORKING!!!

    Wow the T8 bulbs are a LOT brighter than my old T12's (because they are older). It was getting tired of replacing them all the time. The T8's should last much longer.

    We'll see if this translates to much improved growth of my plants...

    After all this ... the ballasts from the US cost $12 each and a fixture from wallmart costs $13. So $25 to do it. ... I just saw at HD yesterday they now have T8 shoplights for $29 ... oh well ...

    THANKS again all for your help.



  6. I have metal/iron stand that my 45 sits on now. It is 48"x13".

    If I got a 90 gallon, 48"x18" and I put a 3/4" plywood base do you think that the stand would be strong enough for it?

    ...basically there would be 3" of over hang on the front&back of the stand...



  7. Can anyone verify my instructions to swap out a magnet ballast for a new electronic one?

    A. Cut 1 & 2 and connect to ballast blue wire.

    B. Cut 3 & 4 and connect to ballast blue wire.

    C. What do I do with 3'???

    D. Cut 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 and connect all 4 to the ballast red wire.

    F. Connect black to black and white to white.

    Does this look right?





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