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Posts posted by Golfnut

  1. This is my java fern forest, amazing what gold fish poop can do.


    My baby cichlids, they're growing now, but I still don't have a postive ID.

    One member said


    But I'm thinking (but CAN'T be none are yellow)


    Ok I think it is this one...



  2. Hey Congrats!!!!

    I got my first batch about 3 months ago, then a second batch 1 month ago...baby cichlids (don't know the type).

    I moved the first batch and 9 survived out of 11. They now live with my community fish.

    The 2nd batch only 3 are still in the tank with the parents. I don't know how many perished.

    I feed them crushed flake food and that works fine.

  3. Cool. I was curious because it must cost a fortune to put so many nice plants in!

    I was going to convert my 90 into a plant tank, but a tad concerned on the lighting.

    I have 2 55w PL? one 5000K and one 6500K and can put a 2 tube T12 with whatever bulb. I think it should be enough...



  4. Hi,

    I use one straight from the tap, it works great for my two tanks, 77 gal and 50 gal.

    I had to replace the head unit recently as the old one cracked (old age?), but other than that it has paid itself off many times in TIME SAVINGS...



  5. I had a molly that was trying to chomp my baby cichlids, the babies are about the size of small neons.

    Anyway I moved the molly to my zebra tank, and well I went to change some water on a different tank.... when I went back, my molly got chomped all over and was gasping for life.

    I eventually had to put him down as it was too sad to see him gasping like that.

    I never knew zebras were so "territorial/mean".

    Now I know.


  6. Hi there,

    I got a bunch of SA cichlids available to me, of which there are some parrot cichlids.

    They are genetically engineered are they not? Or not natural is a better way to describe it.

    How much do you think I should pay for med-large ones? $20 $10 $5??



  7. Hi,

    Yes pretty close, the the top is more white.

    I'll try to take a picture.

    There are 3 males, 2 have banding (don't know if they are the same species or not). The mom has banding and is a darker grey (as opposed to blue).

    So I don't know if they are pure or not...I'll try to post pics and you guys can help me ID them...



  8. I separated the mom, not because of babies, but she was getting beat up all the time by others. Her throat was really swollen, I thought this fish had some defects of some sort.

    Yesterday I was moving some Rainbows that were getting beat up by her and I noticed her throat was normal again, and there were little baby fish swimming around! COOL!!!!

    I never thought it was possble for cichlids so small to have babies. Mine are not even sub-adults I don't think... but who knows, maybe they are just a smaller species...

    I don't know what kind they are. The are blue and have markings just like electric yellows. Some have banding including the mom.


  9. Anyone grow plants successfuly in a 90 gallon or 24 inch high tank?

    I'm will be using standard T12 bulbs. 4x32 = 128w.

    I currently grow plants in an 18inch 45 gallon and it works ok, I'm wondering how it will affect growth if I move all my plants in to a 90 gallon instead.

    Will they grow worse since the light needs to go "deeper" into the tank now?

    I have vals, najas grass, crypts.



  10. Well I treated him for 2 days in a quarantine tank with epsom salts, but there was no improvement. His belly was about 3 times his body size. I couldn't stand watching him anymore (and possible pain he may be in) so I killed him Friday night.

    Thanks everyone for your ideas.


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