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Posts posted by Music_

  1. What I don't understand is why there's only the three ports of entry from Asia, and why the fish can't be just sent along to another airport as long as it's international and has a customs office? Fish from anywhere else in the world can be sent this way, so why not from Asia?

    Yeah that is what I am kinda wondering to. I have also e-mailed a couple places who say they do not use trans shippers. The FedEx (or whomever carrier) declares the goods and ship them from there (from what I've been told).

  2. Really depends on how large the tank is and how many fry you plan to keep/raise. If we are talking a 6ft tank, then the parents will be mostly able to defend the fry, you will lose some to the Oscars once the fry start free swimming. The size of your fish are somewhat important also. A small JD pair, as aggressive as they are, may not be as effective against two mature Oscars.

  3. I am thinking of trying Ctenopoma ansorgii this xmas. Does anyone here have any experience with this fish? I am thinking of housing a few in a planted 15g. Do these males have the dame demeanor as beta males? Would it be risky to keep with a dwarf cichlid species such as blue ram?

  4. Yup that's a clown...

    Well as I am fairly new to the world of plecos I can't say with certainty what you can or cannot mix them with, however, they do make a nice addition to most communty tanks (tetras/livebearers). They are a wood eater mainly and will not do much to clean up any algae. I have mine in a planted tank and they don't even touch the plants at all! (although they love lettuce and zuccini... I wonder why they are so picky...). Anyway they only get to be about 4" long at best (from what I've researched). I purchased mine from a pet store that had them in with commons (roughly the same size), but there was also no wood for them so I picked them out right away.

    They are territorial against their own species and am not sure how they will react to other plecos. A good place to ask would be: www.plecofanatcs.com

  5. I was wondering if there is anyone at this forum who is breeding/has bread Clown Plecos (L104/L162), aka Panaque maccus, or any other Panaque species. I have had what I believe (I am thinking they are still a bit young to tell for sure) to be 2f and 1m for about 4mos and have just moved them to their own breeding tank. They are about 2.5" long. The male has taken up a 'cave' and is fairly territorial. I have not yet started 'conditioning' them, nor have I est. a regimented diet (they seem to like the wood best anyway).

    Was just wondering if anyone could share experiences with this, thanks.

  6. Greetings from Regina.

    I would consider myself an intermediate hobbyist, have had aquariums around me for as long as I can remember. Just bought my own place a couple years ago and decided it was time to get a little more serious with the hobby. I currently have a couple breeding groups of convicts on the go (my brothers Oscar enjoys the fry I can't get rid of) and I am attempting to breed Clown Pleco's at the moment (these fry will not be going to the Oscar), it is my understanding that they are a little more difficult to breed…

    I would someday like to get my hands on the famous L046 Zebra Pleco and attempt to breed those as well.

    Anyway, just thought I’d say hi, I am in Alberta prolly only a few times each year but hopefully will enjoy the help that other members can provide…


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