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Posts posted by FishManTy

  1. That oring that they have on the lid, as to be perfectly clean. All sand, crap, anything, has to be whipped off. The place it goes in, on the bottom and the lid, would have to be completely cleaned aswell. Mine leaked from the cord, also, about 5 gallons of saltwater everywhere. Then I did that to the oring, and it was fixed and is still working great.

  2. "Range: South America: Trinidad and Venezuela to the Amazon delta in Brazil"

    My family had a place down in Trinidad for 4 years, and I got to spend a lot of time on the beaches. These fish were all over the place, and they looked hiliarious when they rode the waves... They are amazing fish, I never knew you could actually keep them in an aquarium! Wow, I wish I could find one of em!

    If you ever want to get rid of it... :D

  3. If ya have trouble finding someone to donate sand, feel free to stop by and grab some from me... Its best however to have the tank running with just LR for a couple weeks if its not cured, so the dead stuff falls onto a glass bottom making it easy to evacuate it out (Siphon does the trick)... You don't really wanna mix all that dead crap with your sand.. will make it look ugly IMO

  4. Fellow Saltwater enthusiast in your town should be able to give you a bit of sand from an established aquarium (Say 2lbs), in exchange for 2 pounds of dry sand... (That way they don't lose any sand, and you can get live sand) Then mix it in with a bunch of pounds of dry sand, such as ones that you see on jl Aquatics and that (The fine sand made for saltwater tanks). I did that with a fellow reefer in Calgary, and now my tank is looking great. I've even gave a bit of it away when I had too much so that someone else could start up some live sand.

    Some people think that this method doesn't work... Im not one of em :)

  5. How are convicts and Rams for personality? I want a fish thats a bit different than most. My cons that I had never had much personality, but yeah, they were in the bottom of my shelves and I didn't watch them much.

    Where should I go to get some nice rams? I've seen some here and there, but none lately.

    Plus, how much do they go for these days? $10??

    And what size groups?

    I know cons pretty much go for 50cents each:P, and can go as many as you can ram into a tank, ehehe

    Thanks guys


  6. Alrighty... after giving up cichlids for the last 9 mths, I've decided to setup a 29 gallon, and put a small pair/trio/group in there...

    Albert showed me their Green terrors, and they looked great!

    Pretty much I want a type of cichlid that can breed easily (but not african... I've had toooo many)

    I want to buy them small, (2" range) and grow them to breeding size and then have them breed. Tank size is not a problem, as I can move them to a bigger tank eventually... I also want them to be nice looking...

    Im thinking green terrors, convicts, oscar (Not for breeding purpose)... but i can't decide... any suggestions?

    Also, if you have any for sale, lemme know...

  7. Personally, it's a move I think he should have made four or five years ago since no one seemed to have anything but contempt for the policy (included in the price, tax evasion, drug front, secret pockets, etc).

    Before big als closed down, I was talking to some dumby there that was telling me all about how dennis is a druglord and ships drugs here and there and all this crap. I got a good laugh out of it.

  8. Depending on when this order is going to happen and be delievered, that is if it happens... I'd be willing to join in and just drive up to edmonton for a weekend to pick it up (See some friends, all that kinda stuff)

    So yeah, I'd be willing to drive back other people's rock from calgary if they want, for a small gas cost

  9. Thanks for letting me know. Makes me feel better about ordering. Thanks for the input.

    Im gonna assume you are going to order... just curious how much? I have a bald spot on my 90 that i would love to add 20-30 lbs to... I just haven't find time to find that much (Im sure golds has it... im just always too busy to drive over there)

  10. I don't mind them. They have a few good deals here and there...

    The one thing that made me mad was when i first started out she told me that I couldn't find a fluval 404 for cheaper, and that she was giving it to me at cost plus shipping. Long story short, I paid over $200, and later that day found out I can get them for <$150... After that, I refused to buy anything from her unless i could not get it elsewhere.

    Otherwise, she was very approachable, and her display tanks looked really nice. (I never saw the male owner, just the female, hence the use of her)

    As for marine, when I stopped by the other day when I was on 32nd going to buy lights, I took a look at the marine. Rather small selection. Hell, before I stopped by I had no clue they even sold saltwaterfish. Hopefully they expand their selection, and perhaps get some beginner corals.

    In short, they are a lot better than some stores, and care about the health of their fish. IMO, the fish is the best reason to go there, as the goods are the same as other places.

  11. IF you are gonna have lots of corals, perhaps make sure there are a lot of flat spaces, or little holes to play certain corals in... I didn't plan out one of the sides in my 90 well... and now that its getting established I can't change the rocks... Going to add rock instead to make room for more corals.. but yeah, just make sure you have the places you want.

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