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Michael Roth

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Michael Roth

  1. I will try to get some more decent pictures...
  2. They are fat and happy. Actually everyone id benefitting from their twice a day feedings, the loaches are fat and happy, the rams are fat and happy, and even the two spotted bristlenose are fat and happy. Had a near tragedy though, planted some corkscrew val and some amazon sword in the tank, with a healthy splash of some floatin g plants that are hairy like a cat's tongue....so to feed the plants, I bought three 20 watt halogen bulbs, little buggers, the accent lighting kind. Well, I came home from work and the glass tops had broken, sagging towards the tank, with the lights on top. Almost electrocuted my fish. Needless to say, I am entertaining new options.
  3. Hey Aaron, yeah, everybody is happy in the tank, the colours are getting brighter, etc...and the fish are starting to pack on weight. Rahim, I am not absolutely certain on the address, but Sunnyside is on 16th avenue, just east of COP. There selection is fairly limited, but the stock is in good shape.
  4. Yeah, now I am maxed out with the addition of two pigeon blood discus snagged from riverfront.
  5. Had to get two more, Petland had a two for one fish sale... 4 look pretty good :>
  6. Got two cobalt blue discus from, of all places, Sunnyside Garden center.
  7. Some of you may have seen em already. http://community.webshots.com/user/jizmakdagusha
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