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Everything posted by duff

  1. I have never seen this pool filter sand?,,, I figured wheni went to Home Depot they would have more ornamental sands .. but.. no,,, I am gonna check wally world before I check water bed stores/ Was funny big als online canda 11.49 for siphon pump... Big Als US 4.99 hmmm
  2. Where have you guys found this pool filter sand? and has anyone found a place to get the waterbed fill and drain pump that is exactly the same as the python one without the pricetag for a DIY python no spill?
  3. yes there was some thread like projection... remedy?
  4. The ram in the picture is a male and I have seen him go to the bathroom out of this area.
  5. My blue rams have just finished being treated for ich now I see something on his anal fin area been like that for over a day a Convict had something like it or same thing and went to heaven quick so lil worried it might be same kinda thing can someone tell me what this is and a remedy
  6. Can I put 5 skunk loaches , 5 upsidedown cats , 8 angels and 5 of each zebra danios and 5 white clouds in same tank? I am concerned mostly with the skunk loaches vs every thing else... tank is a 72 gallon bowfront ... thanx
  7. Do you have a diagram for alternative outputs for the fluval?
  8. I have read that these fish prefer high temps from low to mid 80s Does anyne care to share what fish they know of that like high water temps and would make a good stetup with these rams
  9. I have a new 72 gallon bowfront.. Filter media has been added from other established aqurium as well a some big rocks and the water.. I have 5 clouds and 6 zebra danios along with crypto wentii and hygro corymbosa plants and a piece of driftwood and a bubble wall this tank has been running with fish in it since may17 with 0 ppm of ammonia nitrite and nitrates Do you feel it is advisable to add more fish? or wait the four or six weeks? before adding anything else? Botia striata was the next fish I was thinking of adding as I think i gained some snails from the plants as well as some red wag swords or someting similiar I have angel fish and a upside down catfish waiting to make an appearance in that tank, But I am not going to put the angel fish at any risk Till I know for sure the tank is cycled
  10. duff


    Welcome to the board. You would guess correctly. Very easy, really...use of a rasor blade to remove the frame and silicone remnants, clean with silicone solvent, run a good, think bead of silicone along the top of the tank edge, and press the frame back into place and allow to cure at least 72 hours. does that mean i should wait another couple weeks or add fish till i see the ammonia rise?
  11. duff


    Hello to all a little info about my fish setup Currently getting my Oceanic 72 gallon bow front cycled.. been running since the may17th with 11 fish in it..6 white clouds and 5 zebra danios 10 or so live plants a lil curious not seeing a amonia trace or nitrite ? maybe because of the plants .. small fish and larger water volume 33 gallon 10 neons 2 kuhli loaches (was 4 but two are currently dying of a body fungus 2 days afer i purchased them) 2 blue rams 3 peppered corys 5 or six live plants 30 gallon hex (turning into crested gecko cage) 2 black angels 1 marbled 1 upside down cat 2 formerly painted tetras 1 african butterfly 4 or 5 live plants 70 ish gallon (in garage waiting to reseal the top frame)anyone seen any info on resealing top frame and not the inside of tank feel free to let me know where Plan is to move fish slowly into the two tanks when they have been established with my most treasured fish last Probably setting the the Bow front as it is taller with the angels as the core inhabitant( and to get them out of this hex) The rams will go in the shallower 70 ish tank as the core fish as I have read they are not so compatible with the angels anyone have blue rams or angels and have cool fish ideas to go with them feel free to voice thanxs thanx also to sam chicklets for helping me to have a voice
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