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Posts posted by t-man

  1. I am in love with him!

    I have always wanted a black, but when the time came for me to buy an arrow, all I could get was my silver!

    What kind of pellets do you feed him?

    I dump almost a whole bag when I feed mine and he is not as big as yours!

    Beautiful fish!

    I love getting my arrow to eat a whole shrimp out of my hand, but when he goes to grab the shrimp I drop it cause I am scared of him!

    He eats Hikari and New life spectrum. Since I added my PeacockBass to the tank he doesn't get as many pellets as he did before. The peas are pigs and very fast at getting to the pellets first. So a couple times a week I feed my aro a smelt.My aro is very shy and doesn't like all the action in the tank.

  2. Cool stuff, arowana's are crazy fish..what's the setup it's in like?

    He is in my 230 gallon for now and should be in his 450 gallon in a months time. As you can see I am in dire need for a bigger tank. I have so many big fish and don't want to get rid of any.

  3. I got them at Gold's and the females are about 6 inches not including the tail fin and the male is just about 8 inches.

    After I posted these pics I found that the female that was paired up with the male has cloudy eyes. I am not sure whats wrong yet but it's not eating. I quarantined it and I am treating it with marayn plus biospheres. Does anybody have any suggestions? I have never seen this before in any fish I have owned. The cloudiness is inside the eyes not outside.

  4. Here goes:

    5-Uaru,4-wild caught Geophagus surinamensis,6-Nandopsis tetracanthus(cubans),4-Parachromis friedrichsthalii(yellowjackets),

    3-Nandopsis grammodes(mini dovii),2-Albino bichir,2-Bala sharks,2-wild caught Datnioides quadrifasciatus(silver datnoid),2-Sailfin pleco,2-Botia Modesta(blue botia),1- Platydoras Costatus(striped raphael catfish),2-Tire track eels,3-Fire eels,2-Albino Oscars,4-wild caught Crenicichla lenticulata(pikes),6 Jumbo clown loaches(1-wild caught and the oldest is 14 yrs),4-Cichla ocellaris(peacock bass),3-Cichla temensis(peacock bass),1-Royal pleco,1-Black pirahna,2-Julidochromis transcriptus,7-Julidochromis regani (kipli),3-Green terrors,4-jumbo yo-yo loaches,5-Crenicichla compressiceps(green dwarf pikes),3-redtail albino sharks(not redfin),3-Neolamprologus tretocephalus,1-Hypancistrus sp. L333(pleco),1-clown pleco,2-zebra snails and last but not least a 26 inch Black arowana.

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