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Posts posted by Kayen

  1. Nice shrimp! I like white clouds too! Where do you get them for 35 cents a piece?

    Other stores such as Petsmart have this sort of deal as well. Go to the feeder tanks. These sorts of fish are good if you want to start a new cycle from scratch because they are cheap if they 'don't make it'.

    Which is rare, since they're the hardiest buggers i've ever seen. Beautiful fish too at that.

  2. Do I see rasboras there? Borapetensis (brilliant rasbora) or Daniconius (slender rasbora)?

    Brilliant Rasbora, there's only 2 of them though, Most of them died off in the 33gallon after I had the little yeast incident in there. These 2 have been around for a couple years now, and hide in the ferns.

  3. March 23rd, 2012 Post

    some updates from his tank. too lazy to post them up =D taken via his cell phone.

    I finally fixed his Co2 now its back up and running. Hopefully that will spark growth in his dwarf sag again.






    Fast Forward 1 year to today....

    Also some of the pics are of my 10 Gallon tank which I replaced with my new fluval Chi.


    Needs a trim, and water's been cloudy for months now. Any idea as to what to do? I'm thinking of grabbing a new canister soon... only have ceramic bits, floss, and sponges in there. Canister packed full. Would like more flow though.

  4. This tank was originally set up December 4th, 2011 - Exactly a year ago from my post date today.

    I never posted it here before, and many of you who have purchased plants off me in recent times probably have seen this tank as you enter my front door.

    December 4th, 2011 Post:

    Just moved my 33g up to this guy, and with the help of .Mko. and us finishing midterms and having a 3 hour break between finals and midterms, we went ahead and embarked on this project. Pretty much purchased nothing except the AC70 powerhead and prefilter.

    Some pics taken hours after setup and then specs:





    Lighting: 1x39w T5HO Hagen Glo w/ Lifeglo bulb

    Filtration: Eheim Ecco 2234

    Other: Maxijet 400w/ sponge(not attached yet) + AC70 w/prefilter attachment

    Substrate: Shultz Aquatic Soil

    Plants: C. Wendtii, Java Ferns, Anubias Nana, E. Tenellus, random bits of moss and subwassertang.

    Low tech, just flourish and excel 1x a week is the plan, easy maintenence. Looking to add a couple more river rocks and bit more anubias nana, and otherwise denser e tenellus in the back where it is.


    December 13th, 2011 Post:



    FTS, extra piece of wood is just chilling until further notice (after finals).

    January 5th, 2012 Post:

    Updated pictures from today. Did a trim of Kayen's E.tenellus and a trim and water change on his algae saturated 10 gallon tank

















  5. Some new toys ....

    So i upgraded my paintball CO2 to a full set up, and I upgraded my lights to a Finnex Fugeray... For a 3w light this thing is pretty bright... hopefully it'll make my plants happy.

    On that note I added some blyxa japonica into the back corner as an experiment and see if it works okay.... Fingers crossed.

    So onto the pics...

    The new toy:



    FTS: Showing gear and all


    and some other shots...



    Hairgrass is yellowing, and I need to get a dosing program going... the hairgrass is starting to shoot up some runners and getting a bit thicker, so hopefully i'll see a nicely filled in tank soon.

    Also I need a heater in there.... poor fish...


  6. Nice scape... Will look great after the DHG fills in.

    Hopefully soon.

    Does anyone have any heater suggestions?

    Also acquiring a new CO2 setup and lighting setup as well. Also figuring out a simple dosing regime - i'm in university and not packed for time, so i'm looking to find a way to automate everything, all the while having an attractive, healthy aquarium.

    Onlything i don't want to automate is feeding, since I quite enjoy watching the shenanigans that occur at feeding time.

  7. .

    Nice set up! I have two Chi and love them. You are missing out on the best part of a Chi, the fountain at the top. I planted the fountain with assorted plants, some aquatic that can grow out of water and some house plants that love water. The results are quite stunning.

    The lighting / filtration was not strong enough for my tastes, I do intend to attempt that in the future though and see how it plays out, I had the idea in my mind.

    You should post some pictures of that Nanmer

    Kevin, looking good so far as well.

    Thanks, this was all really last minute. I picked up the tank on Friday and the rest was just stuff I had laying around thrown together.

  8. Got bored. 10 gallon was looking ugly.

    Tore it down, had extra substrate, picked the tank off kijiji for $40.

    Didn't use stock filter/light. instead threw together some stuff I had laying around...

    Substrate: Fluval Stratum

    Lighting: 2x13w desklamps - trying to get a 10" Finnex FugeRay

    Filtration: zoomed 501 canister filter - all the media was random stuff I had stuffed in my AC20, so filter media is already mature.

    CO2: Paintball canister with cheap regulator - getting a new one soon.

    Heater: NONE I was using a 150W in my 10, but that won't be feasible in this tank since i broke the temperature adjustment knob....

    Any suggestions?

    Plants: Dwarf Hairgrass

    Rocks: Seiryuu

    Fish: 3 x Sparrow Rasbora, 3 x Stiphodons (all 3 are different species...), Cherry Shrimp (7-8)

    Tank in set up:


    This is from last night.


    After live stock:



    More pics once I get the DSLR out.

  9. 2.5 years later, this tank is finally restored in some capacity:

    Full tank shot. You can clearly see quite a bit of diatoms on the glass and on the rocks. I expect those to go away once the tank matures. Still alot of melting leaves. Going to wait until plants fully adapt and gain their submersed leaves. So far it's a wild mix of HM, HC, glosso, DHG all over the tank. I have no intention of separating any of the plants.



    Here you can see the crap ton of pearling that i've been getting last few weeks...


    Now i have 2 problems.

    1: Fauna:

    What do i want in this tank?

    I'm thinking shrimp, but i've had crappy luck with them in the past.

    Maybe a small tiny school of something?

    2: Filtration: The internal filter is an eyesore. I have a glass diffuser coming in sooner or later (should be sooner, placed order almost 2 weeks ago...). Budget isn't skyhigh for this tank considering it was put together on spare stuff i had around. Red Sea Nano? DIY behind tank sump? Red Sea Nano sounds most practical?

    Does big als still sell those tiny HOB? The ones at Aquagiant are too loud for my taste. Tank is a couple feet away from my bed, so i'd rather not the noise.

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