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Posts posted by rayfong

  1. Here is some information I gathered about Jason Caumartin who spoke at the CAOAC Convention in Winnipeg last year.

    Jason Caumartin

    Jason is the Western Canada Technical product expert for Hagen Pet Supplies, the world’s largest privately owned manufacturer, importer and exporter of pet supplies. Jason has travelled as far as Australia and New Zealand to speak with retailers and consumers about the aquatic and pond hobby. Jason has appeared on the national television show “The Pet Guys” and also on numerous radio programs.

  2. Currently breeding:

    cherry, red rilli, blue pearl, yellow, orange, painted fire red shrimps

    orange eye blue tiger shrimp

    half black yellow guppy

    scarlet endlers

    Julidochromis transcriptus 'pemba'

    Albino bristlenose plecos

    Have mops in for:

    Psuedomeugil paskai

    Melanataenia praecox 'pagai'

    Melanotaenia macculochi 'skull creek'



    Paretroplus kieneri

    Stomatepia pindu

    Pytochromis grandideri

    Future (growing out young uns)

    Altolamprologus compressiceps 'black'

    Glossolepsis wanamensis

    Chilatherina fasciatus 'faowi village'

    Chilatherina alleni

  3. I have no problems with keeping bristlenose plecos and shrimp together. I have a breeding pair of bristlenose plecos with orange shrimp, another breeding pair of bristlenose plecos in with orange shrimp and a third pair (not breeding) in with yellow shrimp and OEBT's. You just have to watch sometimes the pleco will hog the whole wafer of food that I drop in for the shrimp.

  4. Mouthbrooders are somewhat easier, the males tend to have egg spots on their anal fin. Sometimes the male is more colorful than the females (eg. Aulonocaura sp.).

    Others are more difficult, some south americans, the males tends to have more pointed fins and the females more rounded fins. If they are really young, then the best bet is to get 6 so that you have an almost 100% change of getting a pair.

  5. Here are some guidelines.


    It is always a good idea to not feed the fish at least two days before the auction.

    Use good judgement when determining how many fish to put in a bag.

    Be sure to label your bags. Your membership number followed by table number. (Table number from 1-20), eg. 345-09 where 345 is your membership number and 09 is table 9.

    If you are selling equipment be sure to mark whether it is working or not, if it is not labeled then it will be sold as parts.

  6. No there usually isn't, Usually there are around 500 lots from a bunch of different club members. And sometimes what someone plans to bring doesn't always pan out. At every auction you can expect to see:






    tank decorations


    and probably a bunch more stuff related to the aquarium hobby

  7. Not sure if it is the same thing, I had something in my painted fire red tank. The shrimp had fuzzy growths in the head area. What I did was treat the whole tank with aquarium salt. I did that roughly for about 3 weeks. I did a water change using a different siphon hose than my regular one so as I wouldn't spread it to my other shrimp tanks. Then I added salt, I did this for about 3 weeks. I think I used the dosage guidelines on the box which was 1 tbsp/5 gallons. It seems to have gone away.

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