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Posts posted by Parachromis1

  1. Well the Fourth silicone job didn't work so just before i desided to gut it and start again i took and use the last llittle bit of the last tube of silicone i had on hand and GOBBED it in the corners without tapeing




    It only took FIVE MONTHS

    Oooooo my fish are gonna be HAAPPPY.

    I'l post pics asap


    I would be scared to have a tank like that in my house......did you not clean the glass in between silicone jobs? If you clean it well enough, and build the tank properly it'll never leak.

  2. To be quite frank with you, you jumped the gun on medication. Why would you treat it if you don't know what it was? You need to give the fish to develop immunity and fight it off itself. If you're doing the work for the immune system, it'll get lazy and then when it gets REALLY sick you basically just killed your fish off. Why would you take medicine yourself if you didn't know what it could cause or if you didnt know what you have? IMO you're more likely to kill your fish this way.

  3. Thanks for bringing this topic up. I now have some ammo to use against my parents and my dads outdated belief that my Africans will always be okay in the 30 gallon tank they are in(i have an 80 gallon i'm working hard to get fixed to move them over) Now to convince them about my Koi too.


    Good luck

    Well you are poisoning your fish. I always tell people if you don't have the tanks for the fish, don't keep em. And your Koi should be around 10" by now, so you are messing with it's growth rate.

  4. Time for a little anthropomorphization here: Could you live in one room with 11 people? Would you be harmed, suffer, or have reduced lifespans because of such? Would you breed?

    Does not stop african cichlids...

    Can you really compare a Kia and a Mercedes? No. African's also live in colonies on rocks out in the lake, goldfish don't lol.

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