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Posts posted by skynoch

  1. They're wicked fish but are very skittish and sensative, they grow fairly large but not too fast. I wouldn't recomend them for begginers though. Feeding them is also hard seeing they are picky too. Also don't buy many because Scott is gonna probably buy them and breed them seeing he can breed anything. Just imagine how low his prices will be.

    lol you are so right about me wanting them. Great fish and once they are bigger they aren't skittish at all. Amazing to watch them feed.

  2. As everyone said the larger the footprint the better. Your footprint may also vary if you decide you want other tankmates, type of ray, and if you want your rays to breed in the future. If the 6' length is as long as you can go then you will want the 6' x 4'. If your just keeping rays and some other bottom dwellers and don't care about breeding then a height of 18" is fine. If you want to keep some aros and other top-mid level tankmates or are looking to breed your rays the 24-30" would be better. In this footprint of a tank I would reccomend a trio (2f,1m) of hystrix,scobina, or rectics. Rectics usually are poorly shipped and usually are hard to get eating or to keep alive due to that fact, even if your ray seems to be doing good it may die for what seems to be no reason. Scobina and hystrix are hard to find. The other way to go with this tank is to keep 1 maybe 2 males of the other hardier types like motoro,pearl,marble,xingu ect... Stay away from tigers,castexi,flowers,henlie,leo and females of these types. Your males seem to grow around 16" but can top out arond 24" while females will grow around 24" and can top out around 30".

    If you can lengthen your tank a 8' x 3'+ will house a trio of most rays besides your flowers,tigers, and castexi's for life.

    As for filtration the more the better again. I would reccomend a sump with the first section housing a filter sock and then a wet/dry secton followed by a large sump area to hold more bio media,pumps, and heaters.

    Inside your tank make sure to add some powerheads or something similar to clear deadspots. I find my rays will play in the current at times but will avoid it at times so this will be something you will want to play with. I allways put in a large bubble disc or bar as the rays will play in this or just sit on it at times if thier disc has been damaged or irratted. Your bottom can either be bare or smooth sand/very fine river gravel. When the rays are pups have your sand only about 1/16-1/8" thick and as thy get bigger and are able to blow deeper into the sand you can go deeper.

    As far as lighting goes rays will be more comfortable with minimal lighting.

    While your on the planning stage I would also plan for a drip system as rays require a tremendous amount of water changes.

    As where to buy rays will all depend on what type of ray you are interested on buying.

    Hope this helps

  3. Hi there,

    would you happen to have any stingrays for sale?

    I actually have 22 pups that are just ready for sale with all of them pending to members on here and to a buyer in the states taking a majority of them. But my deal with the guy in the states is that I can sell what he wants to buy until he figures out his end, so there are some available but I never posted in the buy/sell section for this reason. I'll post some pics of the pups tonight in the stingray section and if you are interested in any give me a pm. If my buyer in the states doesn't get his end I'll post in the buy/sell section.

  4. At this size you can put in discus as long as they're not breeding, smaller fronts, smaller aros, armatus/scomb, smaller dats, gars, geos , ect... stay away from almost all cichlids. There is alot more if you have anything in particular you are thinking of just post it up here.

  5. Scott, how large are your tigers getting now, and how rolled are they? I think we need some more pics of them too!

    My tigers are probably around 20-24" and have been rolled for awhile but haven't added any length after they rolled so I'm thinking they're still not fully mature. I would love to put them in with my female flower but can't arrange any tanks to do that yet......I think.

  6. Wow they look great Kyle, the darkest female is amazing. I'm glad too finally see some pics up of your collection. I'm really suprised your males haven't started to role yet tho I thought they would be very comparable to my tigers.

    Don't see many flowers around so it's always a treat to see some of your pics.

  7. An 80 gallon would work for a pup up to 3 months and then you would eventually kill it due to bad water parameters or stress. Rays are very easily stressed if not given the right enviorment and will quit eating and may never bounce back once past a certain point. If you have the room a nice tropical pond is cheap and works great for rays.

  8. The water here is moderately hard, with a pH of 8.0, and discus eggs can & have hatched, no problem.

    You might get a better success rate in softer water, but if they don't eat the eggs a good portion of them should hatch.

    No such luck they ate the eggs again, not sure if it was because something was wrong wth the eggs or not. Once I get some space I'll make this tank an r/o tank and give it a try again. Thanks or all the help from everyone.

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