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Posts posted by BettaFishMommy

  1. crazy/super glue works great for attaching java fern and anubias to wood and rocks. i've got those plants super glued to my mopani wood. yes, too much glue and you have white globs showing up on the wood once the glue cures.

    the nice thing about java fern is that it is a pretty tough plant and can withstand being out of water long enough to get glued to something.

  2. ramshorn snail eggs are easy to see and remove from plants. they are laid in a semi hard round 'pancake' cluster, mostly on the undersides of leaves. i would just carefully look at all the plants you are moving to the dry start tank and scrape any eggs you find off with you fingernail. if you do happen to see snails in the tank at a later date, just remove them. no need for chemicals or critters that eat snails.

  3. just keep that Prime dosed at 5x to keep the nitrite from poisoning the fish.

    which test kit are you using? nitrate at 2ppm? that's a pretty small reading to register on the API kit, which starts at 5ppm after the yellow zero at the top of the card. my eyes are pretty good, but even i wouldn't be able to decifer the minute change in yellow/orange shade for 2 ppm.

  4. i agree with them not likely breeding, if they are indeed opposite genders. i kept 4 different species of cories together in a tank and was able to confirm that at least one of each species was female. never had any cross breeding, ever. they would often breed within the same species though.

    there are many species of fish that are not possible to sex unless they are in the process of mating, so i would just pick a name that you like for the cories, and not worry about them getting any sort of gender complex disorder due to their names, lol.

  5. ahoyhoy all, long time, no see! been so busy and haven't been on here in forever! hope everyone is doing well and their finkids are happy and healthy :)

    hoping to get on the forum more these days. been missing all you hooligans! lol.


    just thought i'd let everyone know that Nature's Corner is having a big plant sale. just started today, and running til the plants are gone. all bunch and tropica potted plants are $5 each. i'm heading in there tomorrow, so save some swords for me!


  6. for polishing i just use polyester batting in the top of my media stack, whether it be in a canister or hob. it does a pretty good job for cheap, and a big bag of poly batting can be found at walmart easily. i always make sure the bag doesn't say 'flame retardant' or 'mold/mildew resistant' or anything like that, because you don't want those chemicals used to touch your fish.

  7. My guess is that perhaps the change in water quality was too sudden? If the fish have been living in a dirty tank for a long time, they might've gotten used to the bad water. So a steep change in water quality, even in the right direction, can cause shock and death.

    this was my first thought as soon as i read 'the tank was very neglected'. causing a drastic and fast change in horrid water conditions can shock the fish and harm them, even though you think getting them into clean water is the best thing for them (it's not). i always think of getting a dirty tank clean being like climbing mount everest - you gotta do it slow, and adjust to the changing conditions in increments, or else you're gonna kill yourself.

  8. bettas enjoy plants with broad leaves that they can rest on. anubias fit the bill perfectly, and are an easy plant to care for in a low to moderate light setup with little to no fertilizers.

    other good plants for somebody just starting out would be java fern, vallisneria, amazon swords, crypts, and crinums. i've had really good experiences with all these plants under low to moderate lighting, in tanks ranging from 2.5 to 55 gallons.

  9. it isn't as likely that a betta with heavy/long fins will jump, but because it can happen, i would always have a lid on a betta tank.

    as mentioned, the fluval edge is not a tank designed with a labyrinth organ-ed fish in mind, due to the lack of water surface area.

    an inexpensive 2.5 gallon from petsmart makes for a good betta tank. a 5 gallon would be better. bettas do enjoy having space to swim, but they don't need a 20 gallon all to themselves to thrive. and by getting a basic tank instead of one of these designer tanks (fluval, etc), you'll save yourself a good chunk of change. spend that extra money on a whack of plants to spoil your betta with :)

  10. i have no trouble at all growing plants in play sand - anubias, crypts, swords, crinums, etc. i don't have mts to stir up the sand, but i do 'chop' it with a plastic card now and then during a water change to keep it from compacting too much. my bn pleco uproots the odd plant, but she used to do the same in another planted tank with gravel sometimes.

  11. i have no trouble at all growing plants in play sand - anubias, crypts, swords, crinums, etc. i don't have mts to stir up the sand, but i do 'chop' it with a plastic card now and then during a water change to keep it from compacting too much. my bn pleco uproots the odd plant, but she used to do the same in another planted tank with gravel sometimes.

  12. i use the home depot play sand (quickrete brand) and really like it. i've bought two bags of the stuff over the past year or so and one bag was nice and clean and required little rinsing. the other bag took a lot more rinsing to get it 'un-silted'. for cheap sand that is easy to find and looks good and natural in your tank, i highly suggest it.

    one tip - when adding it to your tank, do it during a water change with the filters turned off. you don't want sand silt in your filter impellers, as it will grind and wreck them. if your tank is cloudy from the silt after you add the sand and get the tank running again, wrap a paper towel around your filter intake and change it out once it is dirty, until the tank is clear again. when refilling the tank with water, put a dinner plate down on the sand and pour the new water onto that to avoid kicking sand everywhere.

  13. just thought i'd let y'all know that petsmart at whitemud and 17 street has packages of live red wiggler worms, 24 worms each, and they come in a little square grey styrofoam box. they just put them out this morning, on the shelf between the two cricket bins, and there wasn't any price. i said to the manager 'so a buck each, right?' and he said yes, lol. (i'm in there often, so that's probably why he agreed on a buck). hopefully enough to start a little worm colony to feed Gus and Chuck. plopped a couple in their tank this morning and Gus (oscar) went bonkers for them.

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