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gobies et al

Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by gobies et al

  1. Good luck with your shrimp! I don't know the answers but knowing where to look is half the battle. There are a number of forums suggested on this thread that may be able to help you answer some of your questions. http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/shrimp-o...imp-forums.html Also, I use this site to check for crossbreeding: http://www.crustaforum.com/board/showthread.php?t=66
  2. There are a few of us with brackish. So far, there hasn't been many questions or comments about keeping brackish conditions since I joined.
  3. :welcome: It's nice to see another from Red Deer!
  4. I would think your best chance for breeding the S. multipunctatus would be to have the male for sure be a multipunctatus. From this article, http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/catfish/cuckoo.php , I would gather that it is the male that initiates the spawning. You might find this site interesting: http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworld/s...?article_id=269
  5. The price is reasonable. Unfortunately, I only go to Edmonton a couple times a year. Next spring would probably be the next time I go. If I see that you did get some in, I would make the effort to go, weather permitting. In other words, interested but I can't promise. :cry:
  6. Thanks Valerie! I'll look for them there the next time I'm in Edmonton.
  7. Out of curiosity, and since I like unusual, I was wondering if these little guys are available in Alberta. I see a number of other species of Otocinclus but these are vary striking. Has any of you kept them? Comments? Here is a site describing and showing them: http://www.aqua-fish.net/show.php?h=dwarfsucker
  8. I would think a blast of CO2 would do him in. They are creatures from fast flowing rivers, so likely high O2 content required. They typically locate themselves in the tank where the current is strongest and filter the water from there. The shrimp will pick at the substrate if he wasn't finding enough to eat filtering the current. More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_shrimp
  9. Gouramies are also labyrinth fish, so it is not unusual for them to gulp air at the surface. If the water parameters are good, filtration good, I think I would darken the tank and let her settle in.
  10. Do you get the impression she is stressed and trying to leave/find a way out?
  11. That would probably be the easiest and hopefully their instructions for dilution is clear. The hardest part for me was measuring out the tiny amounts of KMnO4 needed using the powder. I didn't know then to make up a stock solution first to increase the accuracy of the dilution. That was an experience that has stayed with me. I did the short dip which is the most potent, timed very carefully, and all was well. My koi stopped being itchy and stopped jumping. I wish you the same success. :thumbs:
  12. If you are treating for parasites, you have the options of dipping, short bath or long bath. If you are intending on treating in the tank, realize you will wipe out your filter bacteria at higher than 2mg/liter, so you would be looking at the long bath. Calculate the tank volume and convert to liters. Remember to aerate the water well. Also keep Hydrogen peroxide on hand to negate the KMnO4. Take another look at the solution at Pisces. It is probably a premixed stock solution with directions on how much to add. Don't attempt this until you understand. I used the dip method with my Koi, and that went well.
  13. Potassium permanganate has to be handled very, very carefully! I created this file outlining uses for KMnO4 for another forum. The problem I had using this stuff was having to hunt all over for the necessary information for safe usage. Potassium_permanganate.pdf I hope this helps!
  14. He/she has been identified on another forum. That is quite the contaminant for a Cherry Shrimp shipment. These shrimp get up to 20 cm. Thanks everybody!
  15. -roll- I think I would let someone else have that pleasure!
  16. I think this guy is too big already to be a Red Claw. I really hope it isn't a Macrobrachium rosenbergii as they can get so large. Your thread was very informative Val, thanks! Thanks for the information on the Rusty/Red Claw, Iceturf. I've also asked on another forum but I could still use all the help I can get.
  17. I was given this shrimp recently and would like to ID if possible. Originally it was a contaminant with a batch of Cherry shrimp purchased from Big Al's last July. At that time it was about the size and appearance of a Ghost shrimp. It is now 9-10 cm long and is definitely Macrobrachium sp. but which. It is still growing rapidly. Please let me know if you have any information on this species. Thanks.
  18. I purchased a jar containing 100 gm from a compounding pharmacy. They ordered it in for me. They could also get the stock solution if I had wanted. I am not positive but I think I saw some at the new Pisces in Calgary, also.
  19. They say don't chop at the ice. The sound waves will injure the fish.
  20. How about posting a picture of this pricey ghostie! I'd like to see this guy.
  21. You could take them back to the store, maybe exchange them for another kind of Rainbow.
  22. One way would be to fashion a clear plastic 'tent' over the pond, makes it like a greenhouse.
  23. Skeptical Aquarist has good information on Ick. http://www.skepticalaquarist.com/docs/health/ich.shtml
  24. I didn't buy much, some interesting plants, Critter Crumbs and some gorgeous Endlers. Thanks vender #23, the Endlers tolerated being bagged well and look great!
  25. I can store your water lilies for you. You could move the pond inside and keep it running.
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