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french fries

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Posts posted by french fries

  1. what LFS would put marine fish in a setup like that?!

    A place a not to far from me called FISHWORLD. There are only two fish in it as of right now. I have been going there for 2 months and it's been setup since then. Both the fish seem healthy and active so I think these wall aquariums could be fine for a saltwater setup.

  2. I agree you don't need a licence to have these guys in canada but they do get big. I think you would need at least a 250g for one. A local petstore called fishworld has two that are about 18inches but they are just babies! I think they are spoken for. As far as I know they are going into a 920g indoor pond. If you have a big tank I would get one they are neat fish!

  3. Sorry to hear this. It's a darn shame to lose all your fish like that. I once lost all my cichlids to ich in my 90g. It's good that you boiled the gravel and did all that suff etc......... Your last fish standing should do fine. I'am a big fan of cichlids it's sucks to see them all go like that,especially ones that where as big as yours. Godd luck on keeping what you have,it sounds like you have everything under control.

  4. Thanks :) yea its sand, i got a 100lb bag of it from Sil Industries for $15, just had to rinse it out really good.

    I thought it was sand. I was going to try and put some sand in one of my tanks but I think it would be to hard to clean. Cichlids are very messy fish.

  5. Nice puff. I hope you get atleast 30 gallon for that puff alone. Also increase the salinity so that at around 3 inches the puff will be in full sw condition. What is the current salinity? What are you feeding it?


    Right now I'am feeding him shrimp. He seems to be doing okay,should I change his diet to something different? I will oneday get him a bigger tank. He is only an inch. On July 16th I'am getting a 33g saltwater fish tank. Could I put him into it? Or should I only keep him in brackish?

  6. I got this tank from a freind that was moving out of town. It was free so I took it bought some stuff like a filter,heater and light plus a very nice little green spotted puffer. The tank is brackish,my first brackish fish tank. I really don't need another tank since I'am selling my 40g and turtle tank with the tutles :cry: but I thought it would make a nice little puffer tank. Plus it's small It would not be in the way when I move to my smaller place. I'am trying to keep only small tanks. :rolleyes: Once I sell these two tanks I will just have my 135g,90 and my new 10g puffer tank plus I decided to buy those two wall aquariums which would not take up any room exept one my wall. The tank has been setup for about a week and a half but I just got the little puffer two days ago.







  7. Well it's a 33g that's not too bad But I agree you could only keep small tropical fish or a betta in them. I'am going to sell a few of my tanks because I finally found a place d/t vancouver and I'am moving from a 1800sqft townhouse into a 800sqft condo. I was thinking that I might buy two one salt and one planted aquarium. They are really nice at my local fish shop. They seem to be very popular d/t because they don't take up alot of space and they are easy to move up 11 floors there is even a huge galllery d/t that only carries these wall tanks,but they don't come with the fish,sand water treatments co2 etc...............

    I don't know I'am moving at the end of summer so I will see then. I just wanted to make a decision now so I know what tanks to sell if I do end up buying two.

  8. Does anyone have a wall aquarium,they look like plasma t.v.'s. They come with filters,heaters etc........

    They are so cool. A local fish store is selling them the 33g are $399.99 online then you have to pay for shipping. My local store is selling a saltwater one for $399.99 but you get a few salt water fish and some sand plus somem water treatments I was thinking of getting one. I just wanted to know does anyone here have one and if so please comment or tell me if you think they are worth the $$$ and if they seem practical? :shock:

  9. yikes!

    That does sound like a problem. I'am sure your ray tank is bigger then your hospital tank so move the goldens into the hospital tank and leave your ray in his tank. I bet he is stressed out from what is happening to him and I think moving him would just make him more stressed out. Once you move the goldens try to treat your ray with some healing meds. (try melafix).......................but the most important thing to do is to get those goldens out of there! :D

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