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french fries

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Posts posted by french fries

  1. Paculady seems to have stopped coming to the site in 2006.

    On the old site there used to be a thread about her tank and her giant pacu. It was pretty sweet.

    I knew it!

    I did hear about this person in alberta that had this huge tank and pacu. On aquariumfish.net I saw her write about her tank and her pacu. I searched that site for awhile but could not find anything,it must have got deleted since I saw it awhile ago. I wanted to post a link to her article on this site but like I said I could not find it.............oh well if I do come across it I will post a link.

  2. I love catfish too - I have Synodontis multipunctatus, Synodontis petricola, Parotocinclus jumbo, Parotocinclus spilosoma, Otocinclus vittatus, Otocinclus sp., Megalechis thoracata, Farlowella vittata, Corydoras trilineatus, Scleromystax barbatus, bristlenose plecos.

    What other catfish do you have? The eupterus is gorgeous by the way.

    I found this site from baquaria but I'am not a member.........should join one of these days. Planted catfish I have been with for along time besides cichlids and tutles, catfish are my other passion!

    I have to much.........lol :rolleyes:

    I have two red tail catfish and another eupterus some common pleco's a colony of otto cats which I just got from a freind :thumbs: ,and one big black pleco (don't know if that's the correct name but that's what they called it at the fish store :well: )

  3. Loachfan - I mainly lurk but occasionally you will see me :boxed:

    Is yours different from your name here, or the same?

    I found this site from baquaria but I'am not a member.........should join one of these days. Planted catfish I have been with for along time besides cichlids and tutles, catfish are my other passion!

  4. http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk45/su...me/DSC02060.jpg

    This is my new eupterus catfish. I just picked him up today when I was at a local petstore. He just caught me eye. After watching him for awhile I thought I will come back on Sunday to pick him up...........well the petstore is closed on sunday so I brought him home today and put him in my 90g. He seems to be doing fine and all the other fish don't mind their "new freind". He is just a bit camera shy as you can see in this pic he is trying to hide in a bowl.

    On another note :rolleyes: is anyone one here a member of planet cantfish?????????

  5. Mine is in a 75 gallon. I just recently moved and I used to have him in a 100 gallon pond in my basement.

    I'm pretty sure hes fine they don't do to much I think he is board being alone.

    I'm not to sure if he is a male or female or how old he is. do you know how to tell?

    It's hard to say how old your turtle is if I see a pic it might help me out. The way I was told is the females are usually twice the size as males but males have a longer pointy tail. Check your turtle if it has a long pointy tail then it is a male if not then it is a female. In my picture the female is the one that is right up front. The male is in the back and if you look you can even see his tail.

  6. I have only freshwater setups. A 135g,90g,40g and a 20g hospital tank. Besides the hospital tank every other tank is full of cichlids! By next december I'am hoping that I will have a 200-265g cichlid tank and another 20g cichlid tank. Right now I'am in the works of a 10g puffer tank.

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