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Posts posted by sumergold

  1. Just a hello to say I am now in Wpg, haven't gone to Spencer's yet. Will be driving back on Aug 4 and am willing to transport fish to Calgary. I do not have daily internet, so post here or email me if you'd like some fish transported.

  2. I'd be careful with the riccia; my friend tried spot dosing his riccia with excel and managed to melt it all away. I know vals are sensitive to spot dosing with both excel and HP (same effect - both chemicals melt them away), so you might be in the same both with your riccia.

    Riccia was one of the plants that I had that had heaps of algae on it. I had used a syringe with hydrogen peroxide in it to spot treat the plant in the tank and it is ok a week later. I also had a piece of driftwood that had lots of algae, so I removed it and placed it in a 30% solution, then rinsed it in a pail of old tank water and the jave moss it still ok.

  3. I've been having a lot of problems with thread algae, so I did some research. I read that hydrogen peroxide will get rid of it. On Sat, May 9 I put 2ml(per gal of water in a 10 gal tank - 20ml of HP altogether) in a tank using a syringe and squirting it where the worst parts were. Thirty min later I did a 50% water change. There were Endlers, both adults and fry in the tank and they are all fine. I tried the same thing in 2 more tanks, both with fish, with no observable damage to the fish. Now, almost a week later, I do not see any thread algae where a week ago, I could hardly see the floor of the tank for all the green. All plants and fish are fine and the tanks look great.

  4. He seems to be moving about more in the tank today. His fins are still all clumped together but he is moving around and eating. His body has gone more blue in colour.........was kinda weird when it went all brown. I will put the temp up to 80, see how it goes, a little salt should not hurt the plants and will add that tomorrow when I see how he is.

  5. As long as you don't add too much salt it should be ok what kinds of plants do you have?

    My plants include: Limnophila aquatica,Swords, Hygrophila, Crypts, Guppy grass, Rotala rotundifolia, ,Java fern, and a few more whose names I don't remember.

  6. Just wondering did you add any salt??? before mumba suggested it?

    I did not add salt........is it ok to do that in a Walstad tank? I did do a 25% water change (with warmed water) and also put the temp up to 76 from 73. He seems to be moving around a bit more, but his finnage is still all stuck..........like the end of a long Western style moustache. I never had a beta before, rescued this one from Wal-Mart - found him on a shelf by the cat liter in a container with 1/2" (yes, one half inch) of water and decided I could do better than that. The same thing happened when I brought him home, but his fins all fanned out within a few days of being in a big tank. Someone told me that that can happen when a Beta goes from a salted tank to a non salt tank. Anyway, I'll see how he is tomorrow and if need be, will add salt, though not sure if that will effect the plants? Thanks for all the suggestions.

  7. Yes unfortunately your betta is not well, not sure exactly why or what... but the behaviour and color changes indicate he is ill... have you noticed anything like salt crystals on his body or fins, how are his fins, they damaged at all..

    Check also for cotton like fungus on the fins, mouth or body...

    is he breathing rapidly... does he stay on the top of the water or is he on the bottom... or just hiding...

    His fins and tail look like they are stuck together, don't know how else to explain it. Other than that, I don't think they are damaged as in ripped or torn. I cannot see any drystals or cottony stuff on his body. Since I posted this, his body is less brown and more blue. He is moving around, midtank but still hiding behind plants, when not swimming around. He seems to be breathing normally, not rapidly. No bumps or lumps visible.

  8. Started a 20gWalstad tank November 1, with a small aquaclear filter and a heater. Did a 50% water change in the middle of December, and a 20% in January. Placed a beta and 3 bronze cories mid January, added 4 neons end of January. Fish seemed happy, plants doing well. For the last couple of days, the beta's fins have been all kinda stuck together and he is hiding amongst the plants a lot. He is eating, but not like he used to. Also, his colour has faded, his beautiful blue finnage has become lighter and his body looks brown. Any suggestions as to what to do or why this would happen?

  9. Made the suggested catcher last weekend, caught a yoyo the next day! Was so excited. Every day this week I've caught tetras, but not the second yoyo. I really want to get the yoyo out WITHOUT ripping up the entire tank. Any suggestions? The yoyo is in a 80g planted with about 15 tetras and 5 cories.

  10. Hi all! Just a query. I just noticed tonight that our black skirt tetra is listing to one side. He/She has always been healthy for the last year we have had it. I looked the fish over closely & noticed that the left fin looks perfectly fin & wispy looking as always but, the right fin......is stumpy & black looking! It has never looked that way before. I have been in the process of buying a new home for us so probably haven't payed as close attention as I should have. The rest of the tank is looking as great as always. Not sure if it is an age sign or if something amiss is happening. Any info anyone could impart would be greatly appreciated. By the way I know this isn't the place to put this but, my albino Bn's are holding. Hope to get some babes out of this one!!!! Yeah!!!! Kat

    I have 3 black skirts and all of them, at one time or another, list sideways. Sometimes they stay 'listed' for 30 min or so, then they dart away. The first few times I observed this behavior, I was concerned that something was wrong, but they do it often and always go 'normal' again, I'm beginning to think it is part of their nature. This is only my opinion, but I have had them over a year now and they have done it since day one.

  11. Last night at lights out, I found my PC hiding in a plant with a swollen eye. This morning on closer inspection, the eye is about 3 times normal size but no indication of lesion or cut. She's eating and moving around, but staying close to plants and hiding places. Should I be removing her and putting her in a hospital tank or just waiting to see what happens? My concern is infection or fungus. Any suggestions are much appreciated.

  12. I had a terrible snail problem in August, couldn't keep up by picking them, or trapping them in containers that had pellets. I bought 2 yoyo loaches and in 2 weeks, no more snails. I move the yoyo's around to wherever they are needed to get the job done. Had them in with the guppies for awhile, and didn't notice any fry missing.

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