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Everything posted by roypark05

  1. yeah that's pretty obvious....but what I'm looking for is something to put in the tank thats ok with a slightly cooler water
  2. I have a little 10 gallon tank that I raised Jewel fry in, but here lately the water seems so cold, I don`t think the little submersible heater is working very well any more. Water doesn`t go above 20 degrees any more I don`t think. I had a little Albino BN in there who died I think because of the temperature. So anyway, what could I put in that tank keeping in mind the temperature issues??
  3. roypark05

    AC 110

    These are great filters. 80 bucks seems to be the minimum around Edmonton. Gold Aquariums in Calgary selling them for $60.00-65.00 is a good deal!
  4. NLS = New Life Spectrum (Premium fish Food) obo = or best offer
  5. Nice pics! Good looking Maingano!
  6. Some of my favorite mbuna in that list. Msobo and Fuelleborni are some of the sharpest looking mbuna. Sounds like a killer tank. Pictures?
  7. One Lab is bigger than 3 inches, the others are all much smaller. I have 2 OB Peacocks at about 2" and a Blue/Yellow Mutt Peacock at the same size. Finally, a Sunburts Peacock at about an inch. One of the OB's bullies all the other Peacocks.
  8. Mbuna can be crazy, I know. I've kept them for years. However, I find that with mbuna they tend to order themselves in terms of dominance, and the dominant ones get more and better space and they kind of leave each other alone. I've only dabbled with Peacocks. Once I failed miserably, and right now like I said, the Peacocks in my tank are fighting quite a bit. The Labs aren't fighting at all. The Peacocks mostly steer clear of the Labs.
  9. I know if you put the two together the Mbuna will terrorize the Peacocks, but it seems to be if you have a Peacock tank and a Mbuna tank, there will be more aggression amongst the Peacocks. I tried an all Peacock tank once and I ended up having to do something different. Right now I have some Peacocks in with Yellow Labs. The Labs show no aggression towards each other or the Peacocks, but there is a lot of aggression amongst the Peacocks. Anyone else keep Peacocks? Aggression issues?
  10. I use it all the time and have never signed up for anything.
  11. I have no advice on cory eggs/fry but here's a trick to post pictures. Use this site: http://www.imageshack.us/ to host the picture. You can resize it specifically for messageboards. Then, after that, post the image via the link provided from that hosting site.
  12. I have a 4" mbuna that my cousin in Montreal really wants. Can anyone let me know what would be involved in shipping it to her?
  13. LOL I have 3 tanks in use which I think is the maximum my condo can hold. Still, I'm often handcuffed with room. One tank has babies, the other has (relatively) peaceful labs and peacocks. No arguments here. If I could go back in time I would have kept the 75 gallon as a mbuna tank. It was nice then.
  14. Years ago when I first started with cichlids, I used to like to mix American and African cichlids. I actually successfully kept an OB Zebra, Jewel and Jaguar in a 33 gallon aquarium for more than a year until I had to unload the ever growing Jaguar. I always found that so long as the fish are similar in size and aggression, things would be ok in the tank. I like watching them scrap a bit for territory, their colours are great when competing, and so other than some small nips on their fins, they never got hurt in these little scraps. I've had a 75 gallon aquarium for some time now, and I made it a mbuna tank. Basically, the aggression amongst the mbuna was no worse than what I had years ago with the cichlid mix. The mbuna tank was great, but my girlfriend and friends seemed to lose interest in the tank, so I thought I'd spice things up by mixing it up as I did before. Well things were going okay for some time, but what seemed like a normal, harmless fight between my msobo and a newly acquired Jack Dempsey resulted in the msobo's jaw breaking and he died very soon after. He was my favorite cichlid I ever had. Since then I also lost my male Jewel, who was part of a breeding pair. I don't know why he died, he just lost all of his colour one day and then he died. Anyway, I feel terrible about losing 2 nice fish like my Jewel and Msobo. They were great, and very vibrant in colour. My avatar is a good picture of the two of them. They sure look colourful and great. I think it's time for me to start over and avoid having this happen again. I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm looking at selling off my Green Terror and Jack Dempsey so that I can stock the tank with species that belong together. Anyone interested in the GT and JD please check this out here: http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=25349
  15. The Snakeheads at Big Al's look pretty cool . . . just like real snakes. Are they suppose to grow overly large or be very aggressive? Can I put them in with my cichlids?
  16. Thanks everyone. markc: yes I had a lot of problems with the Edmonton water when I first moved here on account of the chloramines. Funny thing is I'm a water plant operator here in Edmonton (thats why I moved here) so I know exactly what this water is all about. To remove the chloramine you need a hydrosulfide salt. Many fish stores in the area sell a product called "Prime" which works like a charm and will solve your problems with that. Otherwise Edmonton water is great for aquariums.
  18. Jewels are always somewhat aggressive I find. The papa jewel fights the magunga all the time, they're almost 50/50 but slight edge to the magunga. Papa jewel also fights the frontosa and wins more often than not despite the size difference (the magunga won't go near the frontosa). The Jack Dempsey is the new guy and hasn't carved out a niche for himself quite yet. Mrs jewel is tough as well, she dukes it out lately with the equally sized male fuelleborni. This tank isn't dull very often lol
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