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Posts posted by DaveDude77

  1. As I've said before this is an awesome post, but after realizing you have a video cam, I'm thinking you should have videoed the whole building process. You could have sold it online as a DIY aquarium DVD. I think I would have picked it up if the price was right.

    Great job Boom. Everyone in the tank looks happy.

  2. So with your system, the hydroponics cleaned the water for you. Hmm, I guess that makes sence, but how yould you fit a mini garden inside that box? :)

    I've got to agree with you people here that I wouldn't purchase something from someone who couldn't market a product properly. I mean, spend a little time on your video and make it look a little more professional and read over your own website for spelling and grammatical errors. I can't say I've got the best writing/speaking habits but I'm not trying to sell something. If I were, I would be making the video look a heck of a lot better and briefly touch on how it cleans the water. I don't want to know what or how much is in the box, just the science behind how it works.

  3. But if it were an RO system, then wouldn't the pH become unstable due to the lack KH to buffer it? I'm really curious how he figures it does what he says. I wish he'd open the damn box so we can get a glance. OK I understand it's a hoax but tell me you guys aren't curious what's in the box. Other than some clock parts. :)

  4. Hello and :welcome: to AA. There a bunch of people here who may be able to turn your mild success into great success. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them because I haven't tried breedng yet.

  5. From what I've read O2 and CO2 do affect your pH but shouldn't that drastically. The more CO2 in the water, the lower the pH (more acidic), and vice-versa. Water hardness, or KH (Carbonate Hardness, not General Hardness), only effects how much CO2 is required to lower the pH. The KH acts as a buffer making it harder for the pH to change. Now thinking about your problem, what is your water hardness? Using a lot of distilled water may give you a very low KH in that may allow your pH to swing like that.

    Take note: I'm only about 3-4 mths into this hobby so I may be wrong. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  6. Hello and :welcome: to AA.

    How big is your first tank. :) If you're like most of the people here, you'll find yourself wanting more fish tanks later on. It's what known as MTS or Multi Tank Syndrome.

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