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Posts posted by wicked

  1. Ok here the story I have 2 Angels, 2 red fins rams, 1 black skirty, 1 platy and a gold dust pleco. Could I put in a couple of small schooling fish or would that be to many for a twenty gallon tank. The tank just does not seem to have much movement in it and was hoping to get a little more contrast with a schooling type fish.

    Any suggestions would be great.

  2. It soundslike you have fin rot, usualy caused by poor water quality. You will probably need something stronger to clear it up. Here are a few links for you to check out.




    I hope this helps you out.

    Thanks Sam, I use to us Copper Safe but was told that it will kill my pleco and plants, and the same with salt with Plants.

    How long would I have to wait to start a new treatment in the tank, like the marcyn and lets say copper safe?

  3. If its fungal, I think pimafix would be more appropriate.



    Ok I lost one Angel so far, I have done one treatment of Fungus Clear, but the second Angel is still not eating nor looking fine with the fins. They seem to still be a fungus on him should I do another treatment, I already did a water change and cleaned the gravel?

  4. I just finally got my tank nitrate problem under control and now I see to have another problem. My angels look like their fins are being chewed away (which they are not) fins are cloudy and there seems to be white tuffs of stuff hanging on and off their bodies. They are now off their food. What am I dealing with and how do you treat it???

  5. Well my Nitrates are still high I have cleaned the gravel been doing water changes using Prime. How long will it take to get the levels back to normal?????

    I have an aqua clear mini on the tank right now, I had a larger unit a whisper which is just a piece of you know what, I have a air bubbler in the tank as well.

    Any other suggestions.

  6. Well my Nitrates are still high I have done cleaned the gravel been doing water changes using Prime. How long will it take to get the levels back to normal?????

    I have an aqua clear mini on the tank right now, I had a larger unit a whisper which is just a piece of you know what, I have a air bubbler in the tank as well.

    Any other suggestions.

  7. Hi just wanted to ask a question. I have a twenty gallon that I am slowly getting back to normal from a nitrate spike.

    I only have two fish at this point left in the tank a platty and a Black skirt.

    I want to put something in there that is hardy and colorful. I just can not make up my mind on what.

    So I am looking for input. I would like to put just a couple in the tank prefer not going with Tetra or guppies.

    Any idea's????????????

  8. Hello and :welcome: to AA. We're all still waiting to hear what you have in your tank/s. Please don't keep us in suspense. :D

    Wish I could tell you something exciting but I lost the majority of my fish a couple of weeks ago, I have been told it was nitrite problems. I am just trying to get the tank back to normal. At this point I only have a Black Skirt and Platty left in a 20 gallon tank

  9. Hi need some help, I have a 20 gallon tank and have lost all but two of my fish. This tank has been established for 15 years and I have never had the loss that I have had in the last two weeks

    I was testing my water and the kit said everything was fine, but still the losses continued. I finally took a water sample in for a test from another party and it say's that my Nitrite levels have sky rocketed. I have been doing a 25% water change once a week but the levels are far from great. So I am looking to you fine people for some help.

    I am down to 2 fish and they seem healthy and happy but I know I can not run a tank this size with a Black Skirt Tetra and a Platty. :o

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