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Posts posted by thedarkstar

  1. Thank you for the replies! Very helpful.

    For the otto, I wouldn't mind getting an otto or two (since I seem to be developing quite a bit of algae as well). However, will the ottos damage the plants?

    Ottos sure won't damage plants

  2. So I was going about my water change in my goldfish tank, and i thought to myself...i wonder what the inside of my HOB filter looks like since it's been up and running for a couple months..so i popped the lid open and OMG....theres a plains of alberta sized sea of algae....litterally waving about at an inch long..along with a bunch of whole nls pellets growing white fuzz..i took it to the sink and used the spray handle to blast it all out. Well now i know that i'v either been over feeding, or putting my feeding too close to the intake. But i was wondering. How often are you suposed to clean them out like that?? Is all that scuzz part of the bio-filtration, or is it just gunk? Any one else had this happen??

    Like all filters, they need regular maintenance.

    Mine gets the filter floss changed every month or so, the sponges squeezed out in siphoned tank water and the like.

    And some of it is part of bio-filtration, the bacteria colonize the filter media so rinsing it with the sink can sometimes cause spikes in your ammonia/etc as the bacteria recolonize.'

    I've learnt the hard way that if your HOB doesn't get cleaned enough, it can plug up and overflow enough to pre-soak your basement carpets for washing lol.

  3. We used to catch them up right in town of Redwater. Now I don't care for snakes...lol.

    I also saw one on the road a couple years ago on my way back from work.

    They seem to like to follow the river.


    Watching them swim is quite a sight as well.

    They do normally live by water from what I've seen.

  4. My 21" Osiris sent up a shoot in the last couple of days to the top of the tank with a bud.... is this going to flower or is this what happens before they send out babies?

    If you're lucky, it should flower.

    But the babies usually grow out from the stalk that shoots up if I'm not mistaken.

  5. Well this build hasn't been going very well as of late. The stand is basically done but I got :cuss: by AG on the glass, and now I'm fighting with them for a refund. I'm not having second thoughts about the project, I plan to follow this one to the end. I'm thinking of other options for a new front glass pane.

    Buy a cheap window and get it cut somewhere lol

  6. Might have been neat to use the rocks as sort of a mountain face in order to build an upper "level".

    Have your HC growing at the base of the "mountain face" and plant something else at the top that will grow over the edge of the wall and drape down the face?

    Just an idea I thought of with those pretty rocks.

  7. Anyways i need a bit of help transferring the innards of this tank over ot the new tank , how can i approach it?

    I think you have to pick out each of the plants very carefully and then transfer the plants again to the main tank. I know its a PITA, but thats the only way I see it. It will be very difficult to scoop out the gravel and the plants together and putting them down onto the main tank.

    Might be able to do it with one of those kitty litter scooper dealies.

  8. not entirely sure. But when i had them, they would send off little runners with miniature crypt plants virtually hugging the mother plant. If you see little plantlets you can separate them, but don't know about the root.

    Thats essentially how I've seen them propagate. none that I've ever seen have rhizomes per say or what I might consider to be rhizomes, but thats not to say im correct.

    But I do know that with all plants, removing all but a few inches of root seems to be the best means of stimulating growth upon re-planting

  9. These are two of my three outdoor 'ponds' as they were first set up three years ago. The blue one is a 500G stock tank and the white one is a salvaged 600G water storage tank cut open. The filters are rubbermaid storage totes plumbed in with bulkeads from princess auto and powered by Pentair Rainbow Lifeguard Quiet One 1200 pumps and they have 2"dia. foot valves as intake guards.. The filters had lava rock, filter sponge and live plants in them. I set up the oulet to splash on the intake so as to increase the oxygen exchange at the surface. It also makes for a pleasant sound in the garden. Even my neighbours enjoyed hearing it.

    How do you overwinter those ponds?

  10. Which home depot did you hit up ?

    I'd like some of those pipe bending services as well .

    Essentially any HD will have pipe bending service, either through the rentals or electrical department.

    I'm gonna guess he went to the strathcona store, between Calgary trail and Gateway.

    Also, if you're not sure if the braces will hold it, it wouldn't hurt you to put a few more on just to stabilize it... or form your own brace

  11. Your going to throw-up some more pictures when you've settled your school junk right? :smokey:

    Most likely!

    Got 8/11 Minnows in it now...

    They're flaring their fins like I've never seen before and 2 are chasing what I'd think is the female lol

  12. FYI, The Clown Loach can get up to over a foot big. Will eventually need a bigger tank

    ive had my clown loach for almost a year, and he hasn't grown since ive gotten him... and the previous owner said he's had the loach for almost a year too... so that's two year old loach.. and he's still the same size... and i have a 70gal tank that my clown loach can go into when he gets too big (if and when that happends)

    :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: i love my clown loach, he's soo fun to watch....

    Be prepared to have even more fun with that loach when he starts to school with and think he's a tiger barb...

  13. So, back to school for you as well right?

    How's the tank coming along? Plants doing any better? Solve that pest problem?

    Yes sir, wish I wouldn't have wasted my reading week :shifty:

    3 essays and a midterm in 2 weeks woo!

    Tanks doing fine, threw in 3 random white cloud males and a baby feeder guppy and they're doing fine. Might change my filtration too. Plants not so sure if they're any better yet... but I havn't seen the worms, I think the fish ate them.

  14. Sweet :thumbs:

    I'd like to find a 67K bulb and switch out one of the 10k for a more varied spectrum. Not sure where to look.

    Wish I could help you there, but the best I've found was the standard "plant & aquarium" bulb home depot lol, I think its like 4500 or something.

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