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Posts posted by Gnaw

  1. Well this build hasn't been going very well as of late. The stand is basically done but I got :cuss: by AG on the glass, and now I'm fighting with them for a refund. I'm not having second thoughts about the project, I plan to follow this one to the end. I'm thinking of other options for a new front glass pane.

  2. Went back to BA's today and words can't really describe how I feel right now.

    I'm not going to bother posting pictures cause its too depressing. All of their figure-8 puffers are dead and dying! There are close to 30 in the tank and only 4-5 are still able to swim. The bottom of the tank is littered with the dead and dying. They are covered in a white film and their eyes, omg, its so sad... look like they are caked-over in white like really, really bad catterax! I asked one of the staff what happened, they replied they were a bad shipment. Probably Ick they said.

    I was modified! I kept asking myself why they didn't dispose of the dead littered across the bottom. Why didn't they even bother trying to treat it? I dunno, I was really upset. Seems like ominous force doesn't want me to own one of these little guys.

    A sad, sad day.

  3. 90 gallon is one of those tanks where it's too small for some puffers, yet too big for a lone puffer. I say a school of brazilian puffers i.e. c. asellus would look nice. If you want a solitary puffer, a nice fahaka in a 125 gallon would fit the bill. Check out http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/ug.php...be1e65f1e59c3a2 for more ideas.


    *sigh* I remember this conversation when I so desperately wanted my mbu. :cry:

    It's always about the turning radius right?

  4. Fig 8 are low brackish (max of 1.005 sg) and they will require snails. I believe that baby MTS are okay but the bigger ones do get a bit hard and may break their beak. Shell on shrimps will do the trick though in my experience Figure 8 puffers are not as bad as say C. assellus with beak growth.


    Thanks for stopping by.

    So, you've kept these type of puffers before?

    Do you think it can keep them in check? or will they over-run? or maybe I just have to experiment and see?

    I was thinking of start out with the smallest one I could find from the bunch and see how he does.

  5. I'm not sure if a Figure-8 is purely freshwater - they are often recommeded for Brackish tanks. If you want to add some salt, Java fern, Anubias and Valisneria should do OK.

    This seems to be a topic that usually surfaces as an area of debate amongst puffers. From my research, I've gathered that since these puffers derive from the freshwaters of the Southeast Asia region they do better in freshwater but can tolerate brackish or even full saltwater aquariums.

  6. Well once again I'm back on the puffer-bandwagon. After heading to BA's on Friday - I'm once again considering a puffer fish. Although not one as big as a Mbu this time. :smokey:

    I have been thinking of a small planted tank with a sand substrate. Having only a single figure-8 puffer as its only fish occupant.

    Having this setup in mind: I know if could easily turn the sand myself to avoid the potential hazards of having it cause problems, or I could have some Malayan Trumpet Snails.

    From what I've read and understood they are mostly nocturnal and can easily reproduce and overrun a tank. Could these be used as part of meal-plan and kept in check with this type of puffer?

    I had read a few threads around the net with some conflicting statements. Some people stated that the shell of an MTS is too hard for a puffer and it won't keep them in check and they will over-run your tank unless you have loaches etc.

    The tank is already small enough and I don't want any other fish in. Comments? suggestions? questions?

    Maybe Fatpuffer would be so kind as to visit this thread. ;)

  7. For plants you might have some success with the vals and maybe anubias. The rest will be eaten quickly.

    This page may give you some inspiration . Look at the ones where the rocks all lay in the same direction , IMO it looks more appealing to the eye as there is flow and continuity.


    I have 2 x java fern and 2 x anubias.

    I haven't seen or noticed any of them munching on these plants, but I have had problems with them up-rooting them. I solved this issue by placing the plants away from large rock structures where they are more likely to dig and have had no issues since.

  8. I was told it would be best to have the rocks sit directly on the glass and put in the gravel around it. I was concerned about stability as well but was told as long as I make sure the rocks are kind of braced up against each other it should be fine.

    As I said in my last post, its just what I've read. You could be absolutely right.

    Egg crate? I'm not sure what that is... do you have pictures or could you explain a bit more?

    Egg crate looks something like this. I don't actually have any (yet) but I don't think its very expensive.


    from what I've read; before you add any rocks/sand or structures, you just pop this in on the bottom and go from there. Doesn't sound like too much work. ;)

    I really haven't decided anything beyond the Yellow Labs... I was thinking either the Demasoni or maybe p. Acei. Don't look to me for insperation! I'm looking for some of my own! Post pictures of your tanks!

    And really, I'm not having a lot of fun with this. I find it frustrating and my fingers are sore! (sorry... I'm told I'm kind of a grump tonight)

    Ah! Demasoni thats the name I was trying to remember. Sounds like you have an idea what what you looking for, a good start.

    Its still the begging of the week, I' m sure come Friday you'll start feel'in better.

  9. Can the fish dig under or next to it? Do you have more rocks?

    Reading over the posts again...

    A very good point mentioned here. These fish love to dig! I mean, I've watched them pick up rocks in their mouths about the size of their head and move them. In a single day you would be very surprised as to how much they can accomplish. From what I've personally observed, they dig tunnels under large objects, considering this, if you had a structure build by stacking rocks this could be a disaster!

    What I've read/seen is that some people use aquarium-safe silicon to glue pieces together. I'm not sure if you should/want to do this because it might be a pain in when you need to clean or move them around. But maybe only attached partial sections?

    Just my two cents...

  10. Awesome, I bet its going to look great! I remember you posted something awhile back regarding tank occupant suggestions, have you decided which ones? electric yellow/blue?

    Also, I've done some research on large structures in aquariums over the past two months (prepping for my DIY background) and a lot of people suggested having egg-crate lining the bottom of the tank to help support large structures. Their reasoning for this was that the egg crate would dissipate the weight of the object on the bottom of the glass, spreading it out over the surface area. If you think about it, a large heavy boulder with a sharp edge sitting on the bottom of the tank puts a lot of pressure on a single point. Sounds hazardous, right?

    Keep us posted on your progress, I'm looking for new inspiration for my own motivation!

  11. Interesting vid. I wonder what would happen if you stuck your finger in the tank? :eh:

    Question: I have a vid I filmed this past weekended and I'm having trouble trying to do some minor editing. Did you use any software for yours? was it free? I tried windows movie maker (garbage) and two other that where much worse. Suggestions? I'm just looking to take out some segments and add some text.


  12. When I got into the cichlid hobby I had to learn the hard-way. My largest tank, currently, is a 21 gallon and when I first start I had four cichlids which fought a lot! I removed one and found that the alpha would pick-on the remaining, more-docile fish. So I ended up moving him into his own 10gallon tank. I would like to suggest though that you start-off slowly adding fish and closely monitor their behavior with one another.

    As for the selection of colorful fish that option is really up to you.

    Where you thinking of having an all-male tank?

  13. Nick: here's another for you, and it's local!

    http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=...cat=1,180,42316 only problem is, LV only sell up to 1"

    They are also available from Acklands-grainger, but they are commercial quality, and priced accordingly......(use search words diamond hole saw)




    Thanks James, I still haven't picked one up. I'm just sources some tools and materials for the next phase in my tank project. I'll def. need to pick-up one large than 1" I'll have the size needed as soon as I do some calculations for the sump, drain etc. I think I'm going to stay away from the commercial ones I can't see myself using it more than 3 times in the next year or so, but I appreciate the info.

    Too bad the acklands that I usually go to near YH and Wayne G. Drive is moving :angry: was so close to my house.

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