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Posts posted by RyanGSP

  1. Heck its warm enough now I would just buy a box or 2 off J&L and a big tote from Walmart or a small kid pool. Used as many powerheads as it takes to have circulation everywhere a few heaters ans your rock will be fine in the garage. You will save a few hundred dollars and alot less headache (algea of dry base rock sucks) in the long run.

    The best IMO would be one of those big blue barrels with 2 or 3 boxes of Live rock from J&L 3 or 4 Maxi-Jets or the biggest used powerheads you can find on the classifieds. Let this cook over the summer and be ready to go in the fall.

  2. Discus do best in large numbers when young and in a bare bottom tank. 100% water changes daily will ensure some prize specimens. If you can rig up a drip system that will change out 100 or 150% of the water daily.

    I had a 40G breeder and kept 8 small guys in there. As they got bigger and started pairing up I got rid of the lesser fish. Also as I kept taking fish out I added a small school of Cardinal Tetras as dither fish and a pair of Blue Rams. Also be careful with plecos as mos of them will attatch tot he side of a discus to eat their slime. Bristolnose plecos are some of the "discus safe" plecos.

    My saltwater tank with live coral is less work than my discus were but being greeted by 2 small clownfish just doesnt measure up to being greeted by a couple large Discus.

  3. Skipping the middle man (the local Pet Store) and going right o an importer will save you alot of money. The Aros have come down in price too due to the fact there is a new "lucky" fish for the chinese. Its some sort of cichlid with black marking on its side. The closer to resemblance to chinese lettering the more money it is.

  4. My tank is going to be 240 gallons. 72 long, 36 wide and 20 high.....getting it custom made by Mitch at Bow Valley in Calgary. "Tanks" for the input LOLOL ohhhh that never gets old.....the rays are going to be a little while away anyways. I want the tank set up and running for at least 2 months before I even think about putting anything in. Rays first, then mates:-)

    sorry to burst your bubble but 72x36x20 is only 224.4155844 gallons

    She has tons of swimming room in there for an Arrowana. Theres 18 square feet of swimming room in that tank. Dont worry about gallons worry more about the foot print of aquariums.

  5. Man if I were you go LED. You could build somthing yourself by getting some LED's off of LEDsupply.com. Each 30 gallon might need 3 or 4 LEDs tops especially just for light. You would never have to replace a bulb and the electricity used would be minimal compared to any other light source used. The initial start up might be a little pricey but would pay for itself in less than a year.

  6. this sounds like mating.

    sometimes in the oscar world, sometimes if there is no male and just two females, the females can display traits of a mating pair. Can you post a picture of the oscars? are they beat up at all?

    Psh just display traits we had 2 females lay eggs in our tank. Both laid eggs and figured they were fertile.

    You could put in some fish for them to take their aggression out on. We used to buy Tiger barbs took them forever to finally catch and the oscars fought with those instead of eachother.

  7. Thanks guys. Anyone have any clue as to how to get it to move upwards off the floor? When I put it in there it dropped to the bottom, scuttled across the bottom and stuck there just like that.

    I was able to feed it Mysis today and found out the little mushroom on my Zoa polyp rock was actually a carpet anemone of some kind. If theres anyone who can identify anems good I would appreciate the help.

  8. I might take you up on that calgary trip off but dont know if I will make the next one.

    I do agree Petland needs some better tanks. The ones they have now would be rocking tanks for clams if they swap the light out for a 150w HQI. Clams look way better when you are able to view them.

    Petcetera is going bankrupt so they wont ever put their tanks back up. This why they are having their big sale.

    We really need to get more hobbiests into saltwater this will mean more tanks and more people getting different coral we can trade. I am hoping next month I can go to the wholesaler and take a peek at what he has. Hopfully the new reef shop is open by then.

  9. Good idea. I started a Zoanthid thread for this purpose. The only thing is people are going to have to keep updating as they buy corals and stuff.

    If you all join that mylethbridge.com I will start a group so we can all keep track in there. Post threads when you got corals forsale and just delete them when your done.

    We could also do a monthly or every 2 month get together and do a big frag swap.

  10. w00t ya I know he has alot of places to order from. I was in there tonight and he said 3 weeks before another order because his buisness is slowing down and tanks are full. I have been bugging Bruce about bringing in coral but he has told me time and time again he would rather just buy off us (the customer) because of the quality. But where do we buy from???

    I like dealing with Scott also always something with that guy. Even with Mike from Petland who do you think he is getting his info from?? its Bruce and Scott from TFI, he doesnt have as much knowledge as he thinks he does. I was in there the other day and he tried to tell me the shark in there wasnt going to get bigger than 1.5 feet maybe 2 feet tops, it was a bamboo shark.

    The fish room is going to be a while we all know that but on a bright note we got the 500 galloin SW display tank into place today not its just a matter of getting him in gear to reseal it and get it going.

    I havent been to Red Coral yet but want to go and check it out. After seeing the QT procedures at AI I personally think its worth it to drive to Edmonton. Not to mention the Customer service is really good.

    I will agree that prices at TFI are a little higher but really lets think is there better fish in town? No hands down Bruce has the best health in town. If ta tank has ich nothing gets sold out of that tank until its clear for atleast a week and when new fish get put in from an order nothing gets sold out of those tanks until new fish are doing good. Can any store in Lethbridge say they do the same?

    Dont get me wrong I am all for variety but lets say 1% of the people in Lethbridge and surrounding area are keeping corals (thats being pretty generous) I just dont think its enough to support too many more stores. I am hoping I get proved wrong because I know I could use some SPS and clams in my tank ^_^

    w00t you have a PM

  11. I think another salt store would do great, especially if they stock decent stuff I mean we only have 2 stores. Tropical is great but he never seems to bring in anything other than mushrooms, condy, GSP etc... he needs to bring in more corals and get his back room ready. Petland is good but they don't take care of their tanks, they stocked a new tank packed full of stuff and that got nuked. But already they bring in a much bigger selection than Tropical with only 4 tanks compared to his 10 plus. And they seem to be selling a lot of stuff.

    But if they are opening it on the west side, I dunno about that.

    You do realize they order from the same place right? He doesnt order in as many fish as Petland does because half of those fish will come back to him. Damsels are aggressive and will be brought back (happened before) sergeant majors, and some just dont make it. Fish I would put money right now that Petland doesnt have near the selection TFI does. Corals maybe but most his stuff comes from the hobbyist.

    Its not the back room I would be so worried about its that darn frag/coral tank thats supposed to be done right now but isnt. He almost need another person in there just to make tanks.

    If there is enough interest here in the south we could do a wickedfrags.com order. I think we would need about 5 people to make it worth while. If we get 5 people shipping will be 20-30 dollars depending on how much we buy.

    I wouldnt get too excited about the new store though. There isnt enough market in the Lethbridge area to support a Saltwater only store. It will be just like the reptile store that was there. Seemed to do great then in a matter of a few months they were gone.

  12. I was told by the fellow looking into it that he's 99% ready to open a shop in lethbridge over on the west side.. As far as how soon..well economy does the talkin lately!!

    I just dont think there is enough market for this many pet stores let alone salt water stores. If he stock alot of coral and fish I think he might be able to make it but not on Saltwater alone.

    Hey cuz did you take some pics? I am thinking of fragging some Zoanthids.

  13. Ill start this off I guess

    Some button Polyps. Who doesnt have button Polyps they seem to come on every piece of rock I buy.


    This I got off a guy in Calgary. He has some really nice Zoanthids and I plan on getting a few more from him



    These came from Golds. I am thinking of fraging off the bottom group.


    A close up of a potential Frag or two.


  14. hey ryan...thanks for the reply but i already got this done. i started with new water and new live sand, took a full day to acclimate and move everything into the new tank. didnt loose anything and everything seems to be doing good. was worried about ammonia and nitrites but they are at zero, with only a trace of nitrates.

    now i need to fill it up a bit more, heres a pic

    NICE!!!! I am very jelous I lost my Flame Angel this morning and am wanting a replacement. Poor guy must have gotten stuck in the rock and couldnt get out.

    I would love to see your tank in person. Here is a shot of mine. That much rock looked good in my 15 Gallon but in this 24" tall 40 Gallon I need more rock.


  15. I dont think Lethbridge has the market for this many Saltwater stores to be successful. I would love to see more Corals it kind of sucks seeing the same stuff at both stores (Petland and TFI). I know of a wholesaler and have seen his set up in person before. I guess its time to get out my little phone book and dig his number out.

  16. i have a 72g reef tank going right now but i am upgrading to a 150g with a 30g sump and want to put my LR on the glass and add the live sand after but am unsure of how to do this properly. i need to also add my fish and corals at the same time, or would it be best to just make all new water.

    any info would be great, thanks

    I would use silicone to secure live rock to the glass. My only worry would be that by the time the silicone dries anything on the rock will be dead.

    A second idea might be to use egg crate and zip ties then somehow secure the egg crate to the back.

    When I upgraded my tank I put all new water in the tank and ran it with some live rock in there for a few days. Then just drip acclimated everything and as the water drained out of the new tank I would scoop water from the old tank into the new tank. By the time everything was acclimated the water in both tanks was the same. I also put all my corals on the bottom and drained the water until it was just over the corals.

    If you need some help I am in Taber and can give you a hand.

  17. The goldfish get too big to eat mosquito larva. Buy the feeder minnows because even the adults will eat the misquito larva. This is what we use in our pond and every year we add 2 dozen just to keep fresh blood. The seem to stop spawning after 2 or 3 years but keep going if we add new ones. They also make good koi food.

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