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Everything posted by NomiDemekin

  1. I also suggest a stock tank. Keeping in mind that comet goldfish, and other single caudal fin varieties, need roughly 20 gallons per fish you should go for a 100 gallon stock tank at least. (Comet goldfish can and most likely will get over 10 inches long, and are very active fish). I'm afraid I cannot help too much with your filter question, as I don't have a pond (sadly). But from what I've heard I would suggest a large HOB or canister filter, as opposed to an underwater filter. You could also add a bubbler or waterfall/fountain if you like, which could help with oxygenating (O_o Sounds like I just made that word up) the water. Best of luck with your pond!
  2. NomiDemekin

    New Kid!

    Hello fellow alberta aquarists! I'm Nomi, an 18 year old female, new to this site, and in all honesty, relatively new to fishkeeping in general. Serious fishkeeping, that is. My family has kept fish on and off since I was fairly young, without any real success as neither my parents nor my siblings had any interest in fish and aquariums beyond "Oh a fish, how pretty". In fact, the only reason they had fish is because we were given a 33 gallon tank by my aunt. That they even had fish then is remarkable (that or the experience soured then to aquariums) because they don't really like fish at all. Over the years we've had neon tetras, zebra danios, corys, a betta, mollies, swordtails, bala sharks (belonging to one of the employees of the shop the tank was moved to), guppies and, finally, goldfish. The goldfish moved into the tank (which was sitting empty at the shop) a little over three years ago, and have been the only fish to ever make it over a year in the tank (a sad record indeed). As you've probably already guessed from my name, my main interest is in goldfish. Demekins in particular, but I love all and every variety of goldfish (Ranchus, ryukins, orandas, lionheads, celestials, bubble-eyes, shubunkins, hibuna, ect.) Yes, that's right, I like goldfish. Which are a 'dirty, stupid, waste of aquarium space' according to many aquarists. Apparently, goldfish are often regarded as beginner fish, something to be overlooked by the experienced and serious aquarist. Nevermind that goldfish are some of the most ancient types of domesticated fish, with a rich and long history. Anyway.... despite the stigma all to often put upon the goldfish enthusiast, I still like 'em. I currently only have three goldfish, residing in the same 33 gallon (Which is already overstocked with the three, but I cannot move them out until I move out this fall or I convince my parents to allow me to make a temporary 'tank' in my room (out of a stock tank). Once I do have the funds/freedom to acquire more tanks, I would love to keep more types of fish. I've always been particularly fond of discus, and I wouldn't mind keeping some bettas again (Dragon plakats *drool* ) , pea puffers, arowanas, and a great deal more. Beyond fish I am an art student (In between schools) who likes zoology, genetics, marine life, rollercoasters, anything involving parachutes or other gliding/falling devices, way too many books and movies, pizza, video games, traveling and the disney theme parks.
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