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Posts posted by qtheepie

  1. Here's a couple of pictures of 2 unidentified pleco's that came in last week with Fairdeals shipment that I photographed----Any idea's on what they are? They were caught in Brazil.



    I know there are some pleco experts on here

    I son't know what they are but they are gorgeous.

  2. Ok, I am left a tad confused. The tetras that I got were housed with shrimp (little clear ones) before I took them. Also, I have rummy nose, little mystery tetras, and some rasboras.

    Are cherry shrimp specifically really easy food compared to other shrimp? If I give them enough places to hide would the little ones be ok?

    Does everybody recommend these endlers as some of the only ones that will be able to live with shrimp? Where can I get ahold of some? I don't think I have seen them around much at all. Any of you live in south calgary?

    I've seen some at Big Al's last week.

  3. And now giant hygro, borneo java fern, rosette swords, all just in this week!! This store will bankrupt me!!(And no, I don't any kickbacks from them)

    I got some borneo fern and some blue hygro at the Sunridge one they also had baby tears, several swords, sagitaria, aponogeton and others

    I can't remember right now.

  4. here is mine don't have them all in my hands yet some are in transit, but I still own them don't I?

    Anubias Barteri Nana

    Microsorum pteropus "windelov"

    Limnophila Sessiflora

    Echinodorus "amazon"

    red tiger lotus

    Cryptocryne "balansae"

    Cryptocryne "wendtii"

    Vesicularia Dubyana "Java Moss"

    star moss

    Cladophora aegagropila "Marimo Moss Ball"

    Ceratophyllum Demersum "Hornwort"

    red lily

    Anubias barteri

    Borneo Fern

    Blue Hygro

    Baby tears

  5. Had my aquarium for 9 days! (was already an established aquarium) Traded my clown loach for a pair of

    beautiful Blue German veiltail rams, did a 33% percent water changed this Wenesday when I got home, it was

    scheduled for Thursday but during the day my 2 yrs old kid got the bottle of fish food from the to of the fridge and

    proceeded in feeding the fish the whole bottle, so I had to change the water and vacuum the sand properly on Wenesday

    and I cleaned the filter on thursday.

    I was so afraid the fish would get sick, especially the rams they were being very skiddish, but today when we got back

    from Kananaskis there they were and still are, they are still as I type laying eggs and the male is fertilizing them and

    chasing anyone comming to close...

    Now how long would it take for the eggs to hatch? I don't have high hopes since I have pearl gouramis, a pleco (he's trying to get

    to the eggs) and serpae tetras... but I can always dream.

    I guess I will have to wait for replacing the substrate....

    If you want to see pics you can look a my diary thread.

  6. I'd watch the serpae tetras with the gouramis. They are one of the more aggressive tetras but with lots of plants you may be OK. I'd also suggest (gently) that your tank is now at its bioload with the exception of maybe a few oto cats to keep your plants free of algae.

    I also see you are looking for a red tiger lotus. I have a nice one for sale if you are interested. Also have some windelov java fern.

    Thanks I already have a tiger lotus in transit from Malaysia, and also a windelov.

    So far serpaes are keeper to each other they will try to nip at each other's fins but are leaving the gouramis alone. I've had serpaes in the past and never had a problem as long has I had a school of them. I have 5 and want to add 3 more when I get a more powerfull filter and more plants. The otto cats are in my plans too and maybe a few cories but that all depends on the said filter.

  7. Let me journal about my journey! And a journey it will be.

    I welcome gentle suggestions and comments!

    It all started last Thursday I received an offer on a well established 20 gallon tank with

    stand, accessories and 2 fishes.

    The two fishes are a approx. 5inch clown loach and a albino bristle nose pleco. Now I can work

    with the pleco but I need a new home for the loach. But that will come later.

    When I get there to pick up the tank the first thing I see, is at least 4 inches of sand in it, very very

    fine sand. 3 big Anubias seem to be pretty happy. there is a nice layer of deposit on the glass of the

    hood under the light. There is a few nice pieces of bogwood. The filter is a Marineland 100 filter.


    -replace a portion of the sand for flourite black gravel

    -get a better filter

    -get lots of plants

    -get a new neon

    -clean the glass hood

    -add an air stone and pump

    -get fishes

    (not necessarely in this order)

    When I got home I dumped out half the sand, then I discovered it's mixed with vermiculite and a fine gravel

    that might be clay but there is little of it, there is also those decorative shiny blue glass flat pebbles.

    Now the vermiculite I only really noticed when I filled up the tank back with water, what a mess, but it's almost

    midnigth and the tank is in my 6 yrs old daughter. So I keep going. did I say what a mess.

    After it's filled up I remove chlorine and test ph, nitrate, nitrite and amonia just to make sure, everyting is

    great. after starting the filter and making sure the temperature is fine I add the two fish.

    The next day my 3 yrs old son is sad because he does not have fishes of his own. So even if I wanted to wait

    I go and I coach him in choosing fishes, well at least my tank is establish, so we should be ok, maybe a mini cycle,

    I'm lucky he wants serpae tetras perfect, we get 5 for starters might add 3 more later.

    Over the weekend I get some plants of a fellow forum member add it to the tank. I also trade my clown loach (who is having fun pulling out the plants) for a nice pair of veitail blue rams and some nice plants with a fellow board member.

    Yesterday my daughter was having major dental surgery where she was under general anestesia and wanted fish

    as a reward for being so good. She got a pair of pearl gouramis, (her initial choice was some nice pictus catfish but our tank is too small).

    My next step will be to add the flourite so the vermiculite mess will be under control and a new filter.

  8. ooh neat! I have yucky pond-tank plant snails. I need a snail that is aesthetic and hearty to kill these suckers off. I have tried to damage the egg sacks but it is no use. Right now I have 3 of the hermaphrodites laying sacks.

    an assassin might be nice to have.

    Let me know, I'm DT SW Calgary on 17th ave.

    I'm also willing to take a few off you hands if you need to get rid of some!

  9. This is an interesting question as I had heard the same thing about mondo grass. I love to get new plants and will buy anything that I've never heard of and ask questions later. So far, I have 3 plants that are not considered true aquatic plants and after 2-3 months immersed, 2 out of 3 are growing well, the other may be one of the rare "plasticus" kind for how it's doing. None of it is rotting so don't believe everything you read!! I may have to try that mondo grass myself.

    The experience I had with mondo grass is that it stayed nice for months and all of a sudden leaf, leaf after leavh yellowed and died, until it was all gone. But it took several months.

  10. Rainbows might be the ones killing your schooling fish.

    My rainbows might be the ones killing them? I always thought it was probably my kribs?!? And rainbows known for that? Do I need to get rid of them if I am going to get more little fish?

    I've always had success with Serpae tetras, when you get them in a well planted tank they get a bright red and are gorgeous.

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