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Posts posted by Tigs

  1. Yes, angelfins carries precut or full sheets, kits include the lifter as well. Sizes if I recall are 5/10/20 and maybe 30g sizes. It's cut large to fit any 20G for example.

    Otherwise, I agree with everyone on the mattenfilters. Once setup they work very well, can handle large bio loads without issue. I did try

    the DIY lifter method and found the commercial ones much more effective, so have switched all of mine over.

    Presently running 20+ tanks with this setup.





    for mechanical filtration I simply add a hob filter and move it once daily or as required.


    Tigs (Antonio)

    PS depending on how many you are looking at installing, a very important item is having enough air output from your pump to make them work properly.

  2. Hi everyone, I've decided to get back into the shrimp side of things and have started off with a great shipment from ShrimpFever. I am however, missing

    a few different types colours that I'd like to see.

    thus please drop me a line if you have surplus shrimp or crayfish in Edmonton :)

    Recently received


    tangerine tigers


    mini blue crays


    painted reds

    pumpkin orange

    blue velvet

    red rili

    I'm hoping for some cpos, yellows, greens and such, crystal reds B grade or so etc.


    Antonio (Tigs)

  3. agree, she's definitely not near dropping off cargo :) As Jason put it they square off much more towards the back the closer they get. Another good idea is a top down view...some of my tanks are on the lower rack and I swear sometimes the females must be close to exploding due to their size.



    PS, also be sure to check her 'before' a feeding, so that you know it's not a huge belly simply due to eating a lot of food as guppies are little piggies.

  4. I've used canister filters for years as well, but as per above have not had issues with them leaking. I'm pretty sure Canister filters need to be installed lower than the aquarium. However, neither have I had power outtages of over 30-45min.

    That being said, HOB filters can do much the same if the cartridges are not cleaned or maintained. I've heard of issues with those leaking out most of the tank (not all thankfully).

    Currently, I'm using 2 canister filters on my 90G tank, Aquaclear HOB's on all my 30G tanks (I simply use 2 foam inserts), and for all my 2.5/5/10/20G tanks I'm using the hamburg matte filters. Depending on your 55G setup, the hamburg setup could work very well but you would still need some good mechanical filtration. The only problem I've had with my filters is that the aquaclears tend to get a bit noisy (the cover due to vibration) over the years, otherwise very good filters IMO.

    As for the power outtages, restarting of HOB filters tends to work well but only if they are cleaned regularly. If they are all gunked up, and the power is out for a long time they tend not to restart on their own.


    Antonio (Tigs)

  5. Hi there, I can try and put some more photos up, but yes I'm still running most/all of the above lines.

    Right now I have the following available.

    1/2 bk sky blues (Pairs or trios )

    1/2 bk blues (pr or trio)

    purple snakes (pr or trios)

    blue grass (prs)

    red grass (prs or reverse pairs)

    1/2 bk yellows (prs or trios)


    Antonio (tigs)

    PS I'm still offering the xmas pricing on all, so $5 per fishie.

  6. Breeding them yourself to establish lines is a lot of fun for sure. I'd suggest you get some good stock to begin with, this is seldom the stock you find at the LPS. I know of another board member that is doing much the same

    but found out that even after a few generations there was lots of culling to be done (deformaties).

    If you start out with good stock, your focus would stay on what you want to do vs trying to regain strength in the line.

    have fun,


  7. aye agree shouldn't be a problem. We actually were to get an overnight ship in Edmonton which was delayed a day due to a small error, cherries all arrived fine and that was from what I recall 100+ per bag



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