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Posts posted by Tigs

  1. anyone know of a good place in Edmonton to buy a lot of glass tops from? I'm looking for the ones that open from the side of the

    tank due to my setup. Would be after 20G , 10G, 5G, and 2.5G lids




    PS I have them open air right now and don't really mind it except I'm concerned a bit about the humidity levels in the room they are in, and what potential damage high humidity may have overall to the house etc.

  2. Love the blue grass and the purple snakes! Add me to your baby list!

    hehe agree, they do look sweet. I hadn't actually started a baby list but I'll do that and add ya to it ;) Hoping to grow them with some premo food (I stockpiled off the angelfins order) so once they start popping babies out I'm hoping to have some good sized juvies available in 3 months.



  3. ahhh thanks Ray :) appreciate you linking the actual photos for me :)

    As a side note, the only ones that are close to full grown are the green deltas, purple snakeskins and the 1/2 black blues & red snakeskins.

    The sky blue, yellow half blacks, blue grass are all juvies.



  4. Think you hit the nail on the head Jason. I tried an older T5 2 footer out, has a 10K and 6K or some such in it. That did wonders for showing their colours. I then tried a regular flourescent but 'full spectrum" not sure the temp on that. It also showed their colours off better but not nearly as well as the T5 lamps. Looks like I get to go lamp shopping :)



  5. Hi there, so I finally received my shipment of show guppies ;) Under the standard flourescent lights I have on

    they don't show very nicely ;) The red snakeskins look wicked enough, but the greens and blues are pretty washed out. The yellows come through nicely.

    My question:

    is there a specific T8 lamp that folks would recommend to show their colours better?

    thanks in advance.

    PS, under flash photography the blues & green show up well enough.


  6. Just thought I'd share as I picked one up today. All I can say is WOW. Not only does it have much better air flow than the

    Coralife SL65 it's replacing, I can almost not hear the pump operating! Currently running about 20 jetlifters and a couple of

    sponge filters and I had to throttle back the air supply on most of the jetlifters due to too much water flow!



  7. my BN's are shy in a seperate tank, I stare at them, they stare back and don't eat. I check their bellies, and they are stuffed <shrug>

    In my community tanks they are hogs!!! Shoving other fish, red claw shrimp off the food in order to eat go figure :)



    PS as for breeding, is it normal for them to make their own caves? I have one pair that's decided the driftwood/planted piece needs to be excavated under to make a cave. Pretty neat seeing them dive upside down into said cave :)

  8. I started out with a fluval, worked great initially but I ended up replacing it with an Eheim x2.

    Fluval 405, easy to clean, media is nicely seperated in baskets and the disconnect method is quick & easy. Problems I ran into were leakage on restart and the impellor cover tends to unclip. On a smaller note, no matter how much I cleaned the filter or the hoses, I always seemed to get alot of junk tossed back into the tank on restarts.

    Eheims, media is harder to clean since it's not seperated into baskets for you. Disconnect is easy enough but requires taking apart 2 hoses. Only mechanical problems I've encountered over the last few years using them was that I accidentally pulled one of the hose connectors off (didn't realize they simply twist on). Had a scary moment or two figuring out how to reinstall it without having water go 'everywhere' :)


  9. So how many shrimp is too many in a 5.5 gallon tank? I will eventually spread them out into 5.5's and a multi chamber 30. But for now is 50 in a 5.5 too many? Invert only tanks.

    Hah! glad you asked the question first! I was beginning to wonder myself ;) Course, no one mentioned the cost $ in feeding 100-300 shrimp per tank lol. That would look wicked though. My cherry's are getting up in numbers and the tank seems sparse until I put food in. Then they come out of the woodwork so to speak :)



  10. I do weekly water changes, maybe 20%. Siphon from the top of the tank so easy enough to avoid snagging the baby shrimp. When I was keeping my tanks bare bottom I'd simply put a power filter on it for half a day to filter out all the 'poop' per say, prefilter on the intake.



    PS I like the fill up with RO water idea, should work very well, mineral content stays put and you give them some 'fresh' water all the while bio filter is working as it should :)hmmmm

  11. Other thing I've heard mention is (if you are able to setup the tank atm) to fully fill it with bleach added in and let it stand for a day. Afterwards empty and air dry. When ready to recommission it, a rinse and all should be well.

    You'd have to dig as to an appropriate amount of bleach, cannot think of the amount off hand sorry.



  12. So, was getting worried because I couldn't see any berried red rili's in my tank. I go and check yesterday and count 7!!! yesh!

    Thus far the red rilis, fire reds, yellows, pearl blues all have adapted well. I even have Tiger babies but the original bunch is all but gone, hope the babies are better

    adapted and can establish themselves.

    fun times ;)


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