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Posts posted by Tigs

  1. Hi there, I'm debating going over to a pvc system for my air supply to my tanks. In total I'll have 20 or so tanks from 2.5G to 20G (4eac 2.5/5, 7-10G, 5-20G)

    and am seeking a neater method of getting the air to each tank. My understanding is that with the pvc setup, especially if installing in a loop, I should have less issues with having to adjust air pressure at each individual outlet in order for the others to work well etc.

    From what I've read and seen posted, a 3/4" pvc system should work well. Only major problems facing me now are where to source out the materials.

    PVC is easy enough.

    How do I adapt from my existing air pump (coralife sl-65) which I believe has a 3/8" fitting (right now it has a 4 way gang valve screwed directly to it) to supply the

    pvc system.

    2nd where do I get good quality brass valve that I can tap/mount on the pvc system?

    Also worth mentioning is that the coralife pump is VERY loud, so I'm looking at a way of mounting it in the garage and running an airline into the house that hooks up to the pvc system.

    thanks, and please feel free to suggest changes as this will be my first time trying this.


  2. One month since I got the yellows and I see my first batch of babies tonight. Only about 5 have shown themselves but hopefully there are more hidden in the moss. Still have 3 more berried females so could be major increase in population over the next 3 weeks.

    btw only seeing a few newborns is quite normal at first. I had 2 pearl blues drop and at first could hardly see one or two babies at a given time. Now, nearly a month later, they are berried yet again and I cannot count the number of young, they are all over the tank.



  3. I'd suggest you figure out what plants you want to have in there first, then determine your lighting requirements. I have 30 G tanks with basic single lamp florescent fixture growing some plants just fine, and I've got high output t5's over another 30G with different plants.



  4. flourite dark, black etc are just the colour it comes in. I'm ordering flourite black sand myself, mostly since it's for shrimp and I want a dark substrate to show up the colours on them.. In addition local water is so hard that substrate that would help my shrimp would not last very long, so until I go to RO water I'm sticking with neutral substrate.



  5. I've got mine scattered about the house ;) I'm trying to ensure I don't mix species in which (to me) the females are hard to tell apart. The males are no brainers, they look so different ;)

    Hence, 90G has parkis, 30G has skull creek and deep waters atm, 2nd 30G has the pagai village group. I've gone for 3 pairs of all but the skull creek which are 2 pairs, hoping to make these my first breeding project.



  6. I'd not worry about the angels. I used to keep my main pair of kribs in my 90G tank with 7 angels, 3 pairs among them. At breeding time the angels kept everyone at bay, when the kribs bred they kept the angels (yes all 7) away, and raised their young till 10+ days in a heavy pop community tank. In my experience, neither species messed with the other, no fin nipping etc.



  7. get ahold of Rainbowrick and Galeen on the boards here. Between the two of them you might be VERY surprised at what's available locally ;)

    So far I've got a group of 6 parkisons, 6 pagai village, 4 skull creek, and 7 deep waters with my bosi's coming soon :) After that I need to buy a new house to keep the fish in as

    I'm at the limits with my wife lol



    actually, pretty sure Rick has some pagai village up at the moment, and Galeen likely still has some deep waters. (I'm not one for their proper names sorry )

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