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Posts posted by JLake

  1. fishless cycle is fine, test the water first to make sure it has cycled.There is a great thread here somewhere. i use the api test kit. tests the 4 basic variables. ph(high/low), nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. Prolly better kits out there but it has worked fine for me for years.

  2. Pulled the last tangs out of my 180 on sat. Tonight i was pulling out the last few rocks and shells. inside the largest shell that the red fin compressiceps hangs out near is about 30 to 50 free swimming fry. Question, can they eat crushed up nls grow? i add it to water and inserted the water/nls mixture into the shell via syringe. Is this gonna feed em? i couldnt tell if they were eating it or not. can i add the shell back into moms new tank? i doubt it. any advice?

  3. There are all sorts of comps or compressiceps u could get. Buy them young and they grow very slowly. Bonus for you fairdeal lives in cgy and has some nice black calvus and goldhead comps. There are many diff types of cyps that you could add if you had the right tankmates. Lelupi can be agressive but often just like their own space to breed in and will defend it. Good luck. Look on aquabid.net to build a tang wishlist! Thats my m.o.

  4. My two laticep rays have outgrown there home and are moving into the 180 all by them selves. Whats the best way to move them? I emptied the 180 of fish totally last night. water is still there and i just have the lone fx5 on there now. The tank they are coming from is heavily over filtered. ac110 eheim 2217 and fluval 405. I am planning on moving all these filters to the 180 for the move. I am planning on removing the fx5 for some maintenance and sponge replacement. Then i will add it to the other 3 untill it catches up with fresh bacteria. should I just add 50 gallons of fresh water to the 180? Than add the 55 gallons of water they are in with thte rays and run the 180 about half full? slowly adding water with wcs everyday? any advice would be great, would like to keep these rays healthy and they are long overdue for the move. Plus I am tired of removing 7.5 gallons of water a day from the rays.

  5. Agree with Jay, the julies would bother the multies as would the lelupi possibly. If the altolamps want the multies shell or all the shells than its not looking good for the multies. Try a lil more aggressive shellie, or one thats larger maybe hecqui. If your shellies are adults and all your other fish are juvies you would be okay for a while...

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