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Posts posted by JLake

  1. I was givin a fluval 405 that was very very very gross. Did I mention it was beyond gross? The tank had been shutdown for weeks but the cannister held water the whole time. After making my whole house stink when i opened it up, i threw out all the media and sponges. I washed the trays and cannister with warm water and a lil scrubbing. Impeller and housing also rinsed. My question is, How long would it have to sit dry and clean to make sure that no type of bacteria or parasite could survive? Someone here has to be smart enough to know this..... I was smart enough to throw away the hoses when i seen they were blocked by some sort of coagulated mass of blackness.

  2. I as well used clr but only as a last resort to remove haze from a used tank I purchased. Didnt work for me but nothing really did untill i used the turtle wax heavy duty rubbing compound. And even than this tank had been etched some how and it only improved it a little. Last resort, obv using manual labour and less harsh substances is the way to go. If it works.


    I was given advice from a few experienced ray keepers. I worked hard to save her, 20 percent wcs daily along with every food I could think of. I put her by herself and she did not like. Her and the male would sit belly to belly on the divider at night so to be nearest each other. That never made her feed either. She was so thin I was expecting a dead ray everytime I came into the room. After trying everything I was told to try prazi pro. Other than not eating she would show no other signs of parasites. So I tried everything else first. I couldn't find prazi pro but parasite clear had most of the same important chemicals. I gave a standard dose to her and her brother. Within a hour she tried a section of worm and kept it down. Last night she ate two thirds of a worm! This morning she ate 2 more sections but also stole the first piece out from under her bro! I am so happy! I hope she is cured! I would love to thank the people that helped me. I wanted to give up on her at times but your guys ideas kept me motivated! Thanks alot

  4. I have a young female laticep ray. She is not eating. I have tried everything to make her eat. Her brother is thriving in the tank with her. He is not aggressive to her at all. It seems like he always leaves the food near her for her. She is literally starving to death in fron tof me. I dont think she has long to live. Can someone help me? I will pay someone to take her and help her if they know wht they r doing. I DO NOT want her to die. I need some black worms. That is the only food i havent tried. I have tried earthworms(which she use to eat) ghost shrimp (live),white shrimp (shredded),bloodworms, frozen krill and h20 wafers. Water parameters are ideal, I do 10 percent Every day and 50 per cent water change every week.I am in panic mode bc of her. All day at work all I could think of was how to save her. If anyone who knows rays can help me please do! I will pay for all expenses incurred.

  5. I must confess my gar has eaten over 40 rosy reds in the last week and has taken the shape of a large cigar! I have about 50 more rosies that are in observation untill i deem they are ready. Any mis shapen bellies and its a water cyclone ride to the sewer. I find myself culling about 20 per cent of the guys though before they are allowed to be eaten. The gar has spurted in growth, in both length and girth. Fastest growing fish I have ever seen.

  6. 2 eheims would be a great option for shellies it would be plenty of filtration and with eheim the water takes a lil more time to cross the entire media bed which is ideal for nitrification. Do you mind me asking what sort of shellies you have?

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