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Posts posted by JLake

  1. The fish seemed to wake up his hunger! I woke up for work this morn. All fry were eaten. So when I fed the rays there usual 6 segments of worm, he grabbed the first worm that hit the water. He shook it around a lil but let it go. It was too big. Yeah I love my gar. My gf has even came around and admits he's pretty slick!

    Haha hustler you wanna buy one and grow one in my tank for a month?I am gonna check this weekend if they r still there ill grab one. And you can buy him at cost off me when he reaches the desired size, if you want.

  2. my gar had eaten all the rosy reds by morning. So I threw in 5 1.25 inch back scraper fry this morning before i went to work, cause I thought he still looked a lil thin. Got home from work and he had eaten all 5 of those. He was looking very thick. I threw in 3 of the largest fry I could find. A meaty 1.75 inchers at least.Then I sat back and watched him hunt and eat all 3 of them in 10 mins. Hes a very good hunter hahah evolution has served this fish well! No wonder they have barely changed in 1000s of years! I have yet to see him miss a strike or let a fish out of his grasp when he is flipping them around. Maybe ill buy 100 rosies and sequester them in a tank for a few weeks. He seems bigger already. ANd a obv fish lover

  3. I caved today and bought 5 rosies for my gar. I gave the rosies a quick dip in a aquari sol bath and into some water for a rinse and then just threw them in there. Its been 20 mins and he ate two already. He went to the bottom and picked the smallest one off instantly. Im prolly gonna regret this, but the gar is small i just want to grow him to a larger size. His mouth is so small right now im limited to what he will eat. He has been living off bloodworms all week and I have had enough. He wont eat shredded prawns or pellets or earthworms. I want him to be healthy not lack nutrients. Lets hope these rosies fattem him up a lil.

  4. Yeah i regret feeding my gar the bloodworms today. He ate a few but more ended up on the bottom than in his belly. I had to suck em all out. How bad would it be to feed them rosy reds? I understand that I would run a risk by introducing rosies to that tank. Do the gars have any natural protection from diseases that the rosies would carry? Just because they are piscavores you would think they would be a lil more resiliant.

  5. Yeah my retic pups are 5 inch at best! They are eating only cut up worms. I hope they leave the gar alone for now. I cant get the gar to eat yet. I threw in a red raspberry fry and a back scraper fry in there with him tonight so i hope he eats them. I tried the blood worms and he didnt eat them. And I am not a fan of blood worms in my ray tank. Ill give him a few more days.

  6. Great advice Harold, Ive noticed that my male front stopped eating so much nls, after a month where he prolly ate 20 freshly released fry from the red back scraper pair. He lets the pellets bounce off him for a few days or a week untill he comes back around. Yeah the male back scraper has tried to fight the front in the past. The back scraper basically lost a portion of its lips for a few weeks. And now just takes off if the front wanders over.

  7. only 2 left now! I was there earlier today and seen the trio. Kinda wussed out and went home without buying any. A few hours later i decided to go back and get one. How can you tell the difference between a florida and a shortnose? I read it has something to do with upper back teeth or something? What are you feeding yours and how often knifefish?

  8. It was on bell last night. I think pbs boston. I will search it if I ever get off work tonight. PBS replays everything. The coolest part was the feeding of the lrgest fish in the world! The whale sharks that they have. Elaborate set up just to feed em! Seems like a awesome place to work! The ceo of Home Depot backed the whole project with his own pockets. So all the equipment is state of the art. Sand filters protein skimmers. Quite a sight, too bad the show wasn't longer. I know why I wanna go to hotlanta now

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