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Cory K

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Posts posted by Cory K

  1. i've got a green candycane coral i got from marine aquaria. they ahve been doing fine and with some questions i found no one really feeds them. the problem is that i had a diy power head that began to crap out and i bought a 1200 thats a 300 gph out put and now i have a much nicer flow in my tank but i moved around alot of my rock and such and in the last week my candy cane have begun to receed up the frag (as in the green hue is moving upwards like its dying) also the heads appear to be soft to the touch. i also actively view my tanks at night via flashlight and never once have seen these sweeper tentacles people talk about on forums or that are in youtube videos. im concered im doing something wrong but not sure what.

    they are in a twenty gallon with ho t5's .

    they are about 3-4 inches from surface and have medium current with irregular current movement.

    they are over 4 inches from the nearest other frag and that is a little acropora.

    the biggest change i can think of in my tank is i took out a rock and hacksawed it so it fit flat agianst the glass.

    i use a drip system from a adjustable flow airline tube to keep water lvl up and salinity at proper lvls.

    about two weeks i got a new frag and it rtn'ed on me also (shouldn't affect this though?)

    any and all suggestions would be great!

  2. LOL ive got a good question, what is the best of the cheapest lights you can get? i just moved my 1.5 gal to a 20 (i had to convince the fiance to let me get it) and just have in the 2X25 watt incandescent. i know this is not enough but i only have 3 little b.l. hermits a few smaller snail and the hitch hikers from my live rock. one rock is great condition and i just bought only because it was a good fuji /cheap for size/ and has a great purple colour to it and some small algea growths (java moss looking) it came with a bristle but im not to concerned and from the rubble i have a very small anome?( it has tenticales and crawls the size of my tank looking attached like a snail(mushroom shaped)) a very small bristle Star fish (very white) and some colourfull small growth that i have found called from feather dusters to mushrooms but cant identify due to there size and my experience.

    the 1.5 was for breeding my fresh water nerites and im new so any GOOD advice to wards a budget tank would be great. so far every thing i have read on the net states 'buy 500 dollars lights and 300 dollars skimmers or doom doom doom' and in my fresh waters tanks everything is diy and gos ok but i know this is higher tech than shrimp and rasboras but im not trying for a deluxe super reef just a fun side project to learn about salt and watch stuff grow.

    also do i need to add my 'kent marine calcium' to the tank for good live rock growth ?

    Thanks again for taking the time to read this ~ Cory :smokey:

  3. i have searched around the web and no big suprise found found alot of different information on the kh gh of tiger shrimp.

    im fairly new to shrimp as in about 6 months and so fair have had great luck with most of my inverts but no luck with crs but strangely i bought some black diamond and am housing them in my red cherry tank and am so far having luck, with the one female i got now berried for about 2 weeks and no egg drops.

    but back to the tiger shrimp. i impulse bought the only two the lfs had for cheaper thean any other shrimp ive got and want them to do well and from what i can tell theres a males and female although the dark colour is making it hard to be for sure on the 'saddle' but i beleive my water isn't of proper quality a it is 7.8 gh and 5.58 kh with a 8 ish ph and there are housed with my diamonds and i have concerns over hybrid shrimp and from what i has read that generaly a bad thing with the caridina .

    if you know anything plaese let me know, and thank you for taking your time to read this.

    Regards - Cory

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