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Posts posted by Kronosdelsol

  1. Do a search on you tube for 'DIY PVC Overflow' if you don't want to drill any holes in your tank. Then look up 'DIY sumps'. Personally I like the canister filters but when I move, I'm going to setup a sump. If you are not in a rush to get your tank setup, I would definitely recommend a sump, even if it is a planted tank.

  2. I attach them to driftwood using twist ties. If I bury it in the substrate then I attach a twist tie around the rhizome and then to a heavy object like a piece of plastic that will stay in the media. Or a fishing rod line sinker.

  3. If the tiger barbs were small (1 - 1.2 inches) it would be okay. But but eventually they will all get eaten when they reach 2 - 3 inches. This would only apply to the tiger barbs as I have other fish (Tetras, Betta, Corys, SAE, Danios) who are much larger and they are fine.

    I think even if you had larger shrimp like Ghost/Amano shrimp, they will eventually get eaten or be hidden all the time.

    Where can I see more info on your 90 gallon planted tank? I have the same size and am interested in seeing how yours is doing.

  4. If the turtle wax worked then go buy some headlight polish cleaner. It should work better compared to the paste compound waxes.

    However, I would keep at the turtle wax and it will eventually all come out. You can buy a buffing/polishing pad that you can hook up to a drill bit and that should assist with all that manual labor. Just don't push hard against the glass. When you apply the turtle wax, leave it on for a while until it hazes or looks dry, then buff it out.

  5. I agree that the yellowing is caused by a lack of iron. Try moving the plant so that it gets partly shaded. Its getting too much direct light right now which is causing the algae growth. No matter what you try, that algae will not scrap off. I had the same problem and over shadowed it with a larger lotus plant. All the new leaves are looking good.

  6. Tank looks good and that stand looks like its pretty nice too. You don't see many of them with the drawers. Very handy. The one plant on the left looks like a melon sword plant but its hard to tell. Some in those other 4 clusters look like cryptocoryne wendii or a similar variety.

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