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Posts posted by BettaVishVish

  1. @BFM: yeah..I was thinking about that when he was sick. Now that he's gone...I'm not sure yet what I want. The bright side is..he has kids ...so I may adopt one of his kids :D

    @sierra: no you didn't make that up. It just my post wasn't clear enough. I had him over a year

    @CBG & Tobe: Thanks. He's just my special little fishy. and he's the reason why I joined this forum :)

  2. Some of you may remember my post : Betta Not Want To Eat . He was getting better for a while but after 2 weeks since he had problem eating, I saw him go for good last night :(

    I know ..some people said , he just a fish.. but he meant so much to me.

    It's so sad to see the tank is now empty and I won't see him with his blue fins swimming around again.

    Good bye my M....thank you for the joy and all good memories you gave me right from the first time I saw you at the store until last night before your long 'sleep'.

  3. I know this is terribly "unladylike" but I,I,I,oh how can I say this?? Let's just say I use my mouth and leave it at that. :shifty:

    'unladylike' ??? hahahaha...it works doesn't it? Yes I did the same, just sucked it and it worked perfectly. Onetime friend

    and their kids coming over and saw me doing the water change. One of kid said..." dad I saw her sucking the pipe!!"

    Since then.. I bought a suction ball (siphon) and it also works great. You just have to squeeze it a bit harder and the water from the tank will flow nicely.

    But once in a while I still use the 'unladylike' technique because it fast and less time to set up.

    For the gravel vac itself, I used the one from Fluval. works great for cleaning my Edge tank.

  4. I thought i should give an update on this.

    I checked him this morning, and for the first time I saw him swimming actively. He's also eating :)

    He looks so blue and pretty (or.. it just me being happy to see him recover)

    Thanks again everyone for all input and suggestion. Have a nice weekend :)

  5. Vish, your betta may just be at the end of his time. you've had him for a year, and most bettas sold in stores are about a year old (because that is when the fins are nice and long and people want 'the pretty fish', not a juvie that isn't yet showing his true colours/fins).

    as well, the temperature change you mentioned - when his tank was colder, may have been too stressful for him along with his age. posssibly he just wasn't able to recover fully from it.

    That could be. I'm slowly preparing myself for that so I won't get :shock: .

    Thanks for your info about the salt, I really appreciate it.

  6. I think it would need to be the non iodized salt not plain table salt and also with no additives such as anti clumping agents. Kosher salt is probably the best choice as it should be straight sodium chloride. If I remember right its like 1/2 tsp per 5 gallons or something like that.

    I bought the aquarium salt but didn't put it right away since I'm not too sure if this would do any good.

    After reading and talking to couple people, I decided just to try it. I added 1 tbl spoon as per instruction in the package. Before I added the salt,betta just lied down at the bottom ..curled up. I hope it's not too late.

  7. could you please post a photo of the betta so that we can confirm if it is ich or some other problem?

    ich will show up like grains of salt attached to the fish. if this is what he has you want to slowly (over a couple days) bump your temperature up to 86F and add salt over a couple of days as well. the heat speeds up the life cycle of the ich and the salt kills the free swimming ich organism.

    i'm sorry i don't know the exact amount of salt for ich treatment, but hopefully somebody with that knowledge will chime in soon. i've thankfully only had to treat for ich once (knock on wood!) and that was with a betta in an unheated bowl a couple years ago. i used one of the ich medications, but the salt and heat method is much better.

    I took a snap using my phone. It's probably not really clear.


  8. yes it's flake foods and I tried the pellet too. I haven't tried the live/frozen foods yet especially now I suspect that he might have an ich. I had moved him to another tank on Monday and bought a new adjustable heater. I just thought my old heater doesn;t function properly and made him uncomfortable. In this other tank, I was able to maintain the temp to 28 C. I saw him eating a little bit after I moved him out...but he still doesn;t look active (looks like he just floating not swimming)

  9. thank you for the suggestion. I will keep that in mind when I need to change the food.

    yes, I'm curious why this is happening. I've been using the same food for approx. 1 year and he always ate it happily.

    Lately there seems problem with him. Few days before Christmas, he didn't swim as usual, he was

    just sitting at the bottom. I suspected that had something to do with the temperature.

    I noticed the temp was 24C while usually between 26 - 28 C.

    My friend suggested to do a water change and increase the temp.

    Since I don't have the adjustable heater, I then added another heater which increased

    the temperature to 26C. I also did a water change. He seemed better and swimming normal.

    Now, it's the 4th day he refused to eat. I got him a year ago from a store, so he could be 1.5 - 2 years 0ld now.

    I would do anything to make him eat again.

  10. Thanks BFM! I do kind of like the way its currently arranged as well but I am a bit concerned about the dead spot behind the left side rock... seems to be accumulating some of the bits shedding from the rock. And I guess I can kinda see the buffalo if I squint just right :blush:

    The skimmer is totally going in the sump. Just havent cut the hole in the lid for it to peak out yet cuz I am too busy staring at the live rock to see if there are any critters!

    cool :thumbs:. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the critters :)

  11. I am sorry to hear this. I too have a hard time dealing with loss..especially losing someone whom I know very closely.

    I pray that you find a strength to deal with this loss and each day you'll find something that brings peace and joy in your heart. May good memories you share with him always be remembered and cherished.

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