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Blue Ram

Calgary & Area Member
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Posts posted by Blue Ram

  1. I picked up a couple of these very unique snails today. Anybody have any experience with them? Was told they don't eat plants but all the information I found online is to the contrary. If they are well fed, there is some info to suggest that they will leave the plants alone.

  2. Anyone know of a source for the Finnex Fugeray Planted + (48") that will ship to Canada? I've tried Amazon and Ebay - no sellers shipping to Canada. Any suggestions on a comparable fixture if I can't find a Finnex?

  3. I'm considering adding some altum angelfish (Peru or True Columbian) to my 90 gal tank. This tank is only housing some bleeding heart tetras and cories at the moment. Just wanted to hear some members feedback on their experiences with them so if you have any information or experiences to share, please post. Thanks,

  4. Is it possible for LEDs to lose their intensity or the colour they emit over time or do they just burn out completely all at once? Reason I ask is that I have been using a Finnex MonsterRay on a tank since January 2014. Didn't like the light from the start because of the very intense pink colour of light but used it anyway. Over the last week, the colour of light seems to have changed to being very orange and my tank looks like a science project gone bad. I've contacted Finnex to see what they think. Anyone else experience this with any type of LED fixture?

    Also looking for recommendations for a replacement fixture - 48" long - tank has low light plants and houses a beautiful diamondback terrapin with his fish buddies.

    Thanks for any advice and/or suggestions.

  5. I too had a brand new inline Hydor stop working after 6 months but I also have had one on another tank running for years. Go figure? Sure a pain in the butt when they stop working because you have to replace it before you can take it apart from the filter.

  6. I'm in the process of tearing down a 20 gal custom tank to replace the substrate. I also want to swap out the power compact light fixture for some LEDs. Tank is full of low light easy plants, crystal shrimp and loaches. If you have any recommendations on lighting, I'd love to hear from you.

  7. I've not had to deal with ich for years - so long I don't remember the safest and most effective treatment. It is a large tank that contains live plants, catfish, loaches and various other community fish. Have no idea what brought this on. I can increase the heat but what else?

  8. I would not suggest treating the tank because you don't know what you are treating for!!

    Keep up with regular water changes and monitor the fish for the next while. Minimizing stress, whether caused by aggression, feeding requirements or water conditions, is the best way to keep your fish healthy.

    I spent hours researching tropheus care and requirements before I bought a large adult colony of 18. I did not lose any in the 2 years I kept them and they were actively breeding. They are a real pleasure to keep but do your research first.

  9. I totally agree with Eugene. I had tremendous success with a large school of tropheus. They need to be in groups of at least 12-15. These are the conditions they do best in.

    Sorry to hear you lost the moori.

  10. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/110845073151?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649

    This brand of lights is quite popular in the US. Just not sure it is enough light to grow plants in. The good thing is at least the white lights are a good spectrum for plants but not sure if there is enough watts and the LEDs tend to not spread the light as well as normal T5 bulbs. I think its a very good price even with the shipping.

    Looking for some comments on how you think plants would grow.

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