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Blue Ram

Calgary & Area Member
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Posts posted by Blue Ram

  1. Keep it in pristine water conditions with no other fish to stress it out. It should not die if it lost its eye to an attack but it's important that it be under no stress until it heals. Aquarium salt would most likely be beneficial.

  2. I feed my tropheus a high qualilty spiralina flake in the AM and NLS pellets in the PM. They love both. The flake is good for fry because I can crush it up for the fry who cannot eat the larger pellets until they are bigger.

  3. Anyone have any advice on how best to treat a cloudy eye. Most of both eyes are opaque but not completely. This could be the result of stress as new fish were added to the tank recently. Do you think the fish can see as it is not eating? I'm keeping the water conditions pristine. I added melafix last night but was wondering if anyone has had any experience using something else?

  4. Do lots of reading about tropheus, they are very hard to keep after they get to breeding age. They are also very aggressive fish and have very strict feeding requirements.

    I have to disagree with this statement. I have had a breeding colony of 14 adults for 15 months. I have approximately 20 juveniles of different ages. The aggression is very minimal if you have the tank stocked appropriately. My 1/2 inch fry swim actively with the 4" males. As for care, regular water changes and the appropriate diet are all that is required. I do however think they are best in a species only tank. I only have one pleco in with mine.

  5. You can actually see the worms dying and leaving the fish's body within minutes of adding the medication. Make sure you do a large water change - do not leave the medication in the tank any longer than 24 hrs. A second dose should probably be done after a couple of weeks.

  6. You need to get yourself some levasimole. It will kill all of the parasites. If you're fish are not too far gone, they should recover. Levasimole is very difficult to get. Try "mykiss" who is a member of bcaquaria.com. He can express mail it to you.

  7. I'm thinking of getting a juvenile (less than 2") electric blue jack dempsey. I would have to put him in my 46 gal community tank to start. This tank is a) heavily planted with crypts & swords and B) houses 4" plus roseline sharks(5), a pair of kribensis, two angels & 4 synodontis. Anyone have any comments on whether this would be a good or bad idea?

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