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Posts posted by Treasurechest

  1. Hi

    I was not sure where to put this...but I wanted to ask if anyone has ever had problems with fish purchased at gold Aquariums in Calgary....I bought two fish from there....and I know I should have had a quaranteen tank...but I didn't at the time....both have ICH....one had a film over his eyes and eye bulging...I lost him after only having him for 3 weeks...The other one I am fighting to save but it doesn't look good...he just keeps getting worse....I am going to try the salt bath...been using chemical and it doesn't seem to be working...I am just wondering if anyone else has had problems? They are 2 for 2 with me and I have now dropped over $70 dollars at their store with "hopefully" 1 fish to show for it? Maybe this is isolated....They seem to have such nice fish and have been recommended...so I am surprised.angry.gif

  2. I have a 10 gallon secondary tank that I am running...I went and got one of those thermometer things and stuck it on the glass....My heater is set at 74 degrees and the tank is at 80 to 82 degrees....IMO I would say go get one of those things costs a couple of dollars and then you know exactly what your temp is....

  3. I am looking for an internal pump....Bow Valley Aquariums is building the tank....we spent a couple hours there yesterday with Mitch...he has been building tanks for his whole life.....sometimes an f bomb falls out but very nice man...

    thanks for the info....I will do my research....

  4. We are upgrading our tank to a 200 gallon....and exciting....we are getting a 70 gallon sump tank with it. Now the pump should be cycling approx 1400-1500 gallons per hour with 6' to 7' head....The intake is 2" and will have two outputs....I cannot remember the diameter....I am pretty sure they are smaller....maybe 1" - 1 1/2" pvc.....The very nice man making the tank has offered to put a pump in but I wanted to do my research first. Can anyone help me ....I have looked at some of the pet store sumps...but they seem so flimsy....I have looked at home depot for submersibles and they seem more of what I am looking for....but Home Depot ...really?....also will the home depot pumps heat my water up lots? would it be better to go with a Eheim/Hagenish type pump? The nice man has offered a 1400 gallon sump but is is used....I think I would like something new for such an integral part of the tank....thoughts?

  5. As I say I have been looking at getting into a 120 gallon...but I would like a nice stand. I keep this in my living room and would like a nice piece of "Furniture" rather than just a black metal stand....does anyone know who builds these....went to look at Pisces (not very nice) and Big Al's (seems a bit over priced)....is there anywhere else in Calgary that makes these....and of "good" quality?

  6. I am not sure if this is a stuipid question or not....I am currently running a Fluval 305 in my 46 gallon.....I also have two air rocks.....My husband (who does have more experience than me....) says that the air rocks are overkill and that the filter will put enough air back into the water....Here comes the dumb question...is he right?

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