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Posts posted by AvianAquatics

  1. I find if you ignore them, the next thing you know they'd overtake your tanktongue2.gif

    They do grow pretty slowly, but like the previous posts said, if you attach them to woods and other objects I do find them grow just a bit faster.

  2. Yep had some. If I remember correctly the red nosed ones also had a red strip running down their back (male), and the no stripped ones had a shorter and yellowish nose (female), I think. They are interesting to watch but beware they LOVE eating plants. Websites say they only eat your plants if you don't feed them enough algae food but I do, still they munched down my plants and esp liked my hygrophila angustifolia, and even my Javas lost a few leaves.

    Personally I didn't have a good experience with them lol.

  3. Welcome :)

    And good luck with Ich! In my experience the only fish that have actually died of it are my Chocolate Gouramis, most of the fish you have are fairly hardy so I'd say they would pull through just fine :)

  4. Ahhhh that shrimp looks very familiar. I'm pretty sure it's a neocardinia shrimp meaning it will breed with cherries. I few yrs back I brought a few blue shrimp that had a very similar color as the one you posted but full blue body color and it interbred with my cherries even now I get a few blue purple ones popping up :/. Can't do much right now but wait and see as they grow

  5. Yep those are definetly the Super Tigers, just lots of people mislabel normal looking ones as "Super Tigers" and try to sell those as ones.

    BTW are the ones you got from Anna look like the one on the link you posted? She told me that she mixes some of her Blues with those and get a blue ting.

  6. Wow amazing Aura Blues! But what is the difference between them and the Blue Pearls? Do these breed true?

    And gl on the Super Tigers. When you google image them you'd get a bunch of different results.... I don't even know which ARE the Super Tigers anymore ;/

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