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Posts posted by AvianAquatics

  1. Yep for a tank around 10Gal 1 bag of Fluorite is plenty...

    And for lighting I ALWAYS use incandescent light strip and make sure those are for 2 light bulbs. Don't get the ones at the pet shop but go to HD or Ronas and get a pack for like 10 bucks. Usually they are rated 25 or 50watt MAX so you can easily have 2.5-5wpg and grow practically any plant you want :)

  2. Good luck having tanks in your room in the summer! I used to have my 25Gal and 2 10Gal in my room, I could sleep with the noise but it was extremely humid and musty! Now they are in the basement and are evaporating like crazy lol.

  3. Ghost shrimp is harder to breed then Cherry because they have a larvae stage or something and is apparently really hard to feed the babies.

    I've already read most of the ones you mentioned except I kinda lost interest in Kimi ni Todoke. Definitely red Red River it is one of the most epic stories of all time with a very strong female lead! If I have the time I'd totally re-read it! I'm just hoping to get my paws on as much manga as possible before Mangafox close down :(

  4. I know they are just adorable :D

    You can add 10 to a 10Gal tank and without you noticing grow to over 100! They are the best thing to breed without setting up 10 tanks tongue2.gif

    Im always looking to read good romance (and possibly action) manga with a good (preferably long) plot. I guess a a few of my all time favorites include Red River, Samurai Deeper Kyo and 1/2 Prince 04.gif. Any manga you want to recommend? I'm also reading survival ones too cause I ran out of good romance to read rolleyes.gif

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