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Posts posted by AvianAquatics

  1. Yep, I definitely recommend Philips light! The only light I use for my planted tanks are strip light with Philips bulbs, either 2700, 5000, or 6500k. I personally like the 5000k and 6500k better since they look whitish instead of yellow. But if you like mess around a little, get one light at 2700k and the other at 5000k since I know some plant will grow faster with 2700k. Also I don't really like the dry start method. 2.6wpg with Co2 is plenty enough to grow HC and Glosso. And for substrate I use Fluourite sand. It's black colored which will bring out the color of your shrimp, small enough the shrimplets wouldn't go under, and excellent for growing plants. You just need 1 bag for a 10Gal, costs $30 at bigals.

  2. Ugh! Hair Algae is such a pain in the behind. What I found with DIY Co2 was they took care of my slime (and possibly hair) algae in the beginning, but the hair algae are coming back now. I've also been dosing fertilizer but I don't think they can take care of HA either. You might have to change the light after 1 year or more algae will grow. Another way to take care of it is to "removing the source". You will notice some plant will always have hair algae week after week will other's only get them once in a while. You will need to remove the plants (or part of the plant) that is always infected with algae to prevent it from spreading. You'll also need to clean the driftwood REALLY well since it is a source from where the algae came from.

  3. Sorry everyone spelling error. I was looking at it yesterday and thought something was off with "mold" but couldn't place my hands on it :P

    And I also meant GH, I'm getting stupid chair.gif

    jivison - Thanks so much you just made my theory true, I will now go and write the article (or maybe later since I can't seem to find my motivation)

    tim - It's really interesting because all my Ramshorns are alive and my MTS are dead! I thought it might be because the MTS can't get their shells repaired fast enough while Ramshorns doesn't need that much calcium?

  4. Ok so right now I'm trying to write a journal on ShrimpNow! to get a free new Mosura product for my shrimps. I just got this unique idea on what to write but unfortunately it's around 80% hypothesis. I need a few answers to turn this hypothesis to fact (hopefully) and win that NEW Mosura product (sorry, I'm just glued to this :P). So here's the questions:

    1) To help shrimp successively molt, they need calcium carbonate to strengthen their new shells. True?

    2) Are some snails are more prone to getting weak shells (and dying from it) more than other snails?

    3) Calgary water is extremely hard, like 7.8 - 8.0 so is Calcium carbonate the only thing that's buffering (the GH) the water or is there more?

    Thanks for helping and if all my hypothesis is correct and I finish writing the article I'll provide a link for everyone to see 04.gif

  5. Looks good looks good :)

    The hygro polysperma (the one that's growing towards the light and turning whiteish) didn't quite fit in was my first impression, but after I look at it it seems ok. But if you want a more flowy look maybe try willow hygro instead?

    I also don't see why you would need a more colorful plant since a all green tank looks really relaxing, I like it very much!

  6. Don't worry, I lack patients and motivation as well (actually those are my two worst traits lol) but for fish keepers patient will come naturally eventually (hopefully) and you don't really need motivation since you'll love fish keeping so much that you'll do anything fish - related on your own accord (for me anyways). And welcome to AA welcomeani.gif

  7. Of course, you'll need lots and lots of live rocks. There was once a Snowflake Eel tank in display back in Ontario and the rocks were practically against the glasses! They only had the Snowflake eels in that tank and they were feeding with a feeding stick, so I second Evolution!

  8. I wouldn't recommended beef heart, they are just too fattening. It's fine if you feed as an occasional treat like twice a month or something but if do it regularly he'll die of heart failure (from what I read). You should also give him so frozen/fresh peas whenever you cook them, they are nutritional and is known to help prevent/cure swim bladder disease (For me bettas are like the only ones that gets them, but just in case).

  9. For three little 10Gal tanks, I have 10 plugs to feed electricity to! Right now after what everyone said I think I might just go ahead with the cord - surge - cord - surge formation. But I am planning on getting 2 more 10Gals so when the time comes I'm switching to another 14m extension cord. We'll see.

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