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Posts posted by nautilus

  1. Inherited an 10 inch Jag. Love it but it will not tolerate ANY tank mates. It is in a 150 gal and I tried to introduce a 10 inch pleco to help with the cleaning (Jags are pigs) The fool thing tried to take out the pleco so many times that he damaged his mouth (pleco was armoured and unharmed.). Had to tke the pleco out but now cycling a 250 gal and will wait and see if it works out. Have heard that larger convicts will work with the Jag but mine ate all the convicts that I introduced into the tank!!

  2. Did it say "fully submersible" or "submersible" ? Difference is that fully sub is exactly that- the entire unit can go under water. Submersible is that portion of the unit is submersible- between the lower and upper lines.

    Hope this helps

  3. Holy Hannah! Fishless cycling- who would have thought? Works though! 6 days and nitrites down to zero. 130 gal. Modified in following manner. Started with 5 ppm ammonia, used squeezings from various filters ( kept them from water changes and cleaning filters, also had 2 sponges which were in other tanks with air hoses attached, one pack septo-bac in 1 gallon of warm water overnight filtered and added and used Stability (thanks cale262!) in amounts as recommend on bottle and away you go. had 2 aquaclear 110 with seasoned filters going all the time with the 2 bubbler sponges also going. Ammonia started dropping within 24 hours, kept levels at 6 ppm, nitrates were creeping up by day 2, spiked by day 4/5( sorry forgot to test, got busy at work) zero by day 6, did massive water change to remove nitrates, fish by day 7 and now 2.5 weeks later and all good. At least nothing dead 04.gif

    Many thanks to all who contributed thoughts, suggestions and information. All worked!

  4. Agree with cale262. Alternative which had good results is raising temp to 30 c and salting tank with generous amount of aquarium salt (NOT marine salt) leave to work for 1 week then water changes gradually to bring salt levels down. Also helps if you have a UV going at the same time but found detrimental to plants.

  5. Just as an aside. Used one but found that my plants did not do well at all. Apparently UV screws up some of the necessary stuff needed for plant growth. Great when I has an ich outbreak (don't ask :-)) and shortened the time for recovery but wouldn't advise using it full time if you have a planted aquarium. But may have just been my plants too!

  6. Not filtering in that tank. The water is pumped out of my main 55G tank into the 10G and a siphon tube returns the overflow to the main. I have plenty of filtration on the 55. The 10G is bare glass and 30 fry are taking no room at the moment but I will change up when they get bigger.

    I was pretty sure the LFS won't offer much. I'm not raising them to make money. Trades would be better.

    Tend to agree with Geleen, I have found using a seasoned sponge filter more effective as it aerates the water as well as filtering it, though leaving the siphon (ensuring the fry don't get caught up in it!) along with the sponge is also good.

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