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Posts posted by Mko

  1. At first I was disappointed...aww not barbs THEN the picture wow those are some of the nicest I have seen.

    Those cories seem familiar, I want to say I've seen them at Big Al's before but their headspots have never been that bright (pet store conditions...?).I'm not sure on this, but I think I'm going to go looking myself. Will let you know if I find anything out.

    Great choices!

    Oh yes, please let me know thank's so much. The odessa barbs are really beautiful =) and not as nippy as say tiger barbs.

  2. I've been researching into it more and will probably set up a tank with a scape similar to the following:


    I really like the look of the cliff edges with java fern and then sand throughout the tank

    I was thinking of having a nice well colored school of Odessa barbs and maybe a corydoras species along the bottom since my tank will have that sand substrate look to it.

    a nice school of these badboys (Odessa barbs):


    and maybe a school of these guys along the bottom:


    "corydoras duplicareus" beautiful cory anyone know where i can get them around here? or IF I can even get them?

    What do you guys think? let me know

  3. hey there! its been a while again haha. i'm planning on just putting the fish that were originally there before. So those would my sisters guppies + a single cardinal + 2 whiteclouds. Just really random while I wait till im done school. Main purpose of this tank was to try out a layout and also provide a place for me to continue to propogate that beautiful java fern bunch. actually im more excited to get my hydrocotyle sibthorpioides going since its my favourite hydrocotyle species and i finally got my hands on it

  4. So since I was to busy to set up all the things I needed for my 30 gallon project and am still waiting to gather alll the things I needed I decided to quickly scape my current 20 gallon holding tank into this scape here.

    -scape was done in 30 minutes so it's not the best


    java moss

    java fern

    anubias coffeefolia

    hydrocotyle sibthorpioides

    I did this since I wanted to have a nice manageable tank for me to continue to grow out that beautiful healthy bunch of java fern that i recieved and at the same time grow out my other hydrocotyle species since I had no room for it in my 15 gallon. This is a preview of the kind of scape i want to accomplish for the 30 gallon long just better done. (The rocks im using for the 30 gallon will be all similar to the stone at the front of this scape.

    Fish will be reintroduced after a few days. The eheim is already cycled.


    20 gallon tank

    eheim ecco filter

    pressurized Co2

    hydor inline heater

    koralia powerhead


  5. Im not too worried about flow as I will be adding the Koralia powerhead I have to one of the sides to increase total flow =) I know how essential it is to the planted tank. I might try to make it to the auction only problem is Im busy studying for midterms so might now be able to. sucks.

  6. Thanks! I'm really excited to get everything started. Do you know where I could get my hands on tiger val? I like the look but i was thinking of maybe an even thinner leafed long plant for the background still looking around though. I might use the rocks as the base of my composition and wood stretching out giving it an Island feel. Thinking of topping off the front of the tank with Sand as well.

  7. Hey everyone. It's been another long break between posting due to school and work. A new project has come up since my friend Tom has donated his 30 gallon long tank to me.

    Originally I had thought about making a pure iwagumi layout (already have the stones) but with the 30 gallon he also included all his plants. One plant that caught my eye was his bunch of Java Fern. His bundle of java fern is in really good shape and looks really sharp. So sharp that it has made me re think a layout and now im stuck and trying to decide between a panoramic iwagumi layout in a 30 gallon long or... a jungle-like java fern layout with the rocks I already have acting as a base with driftwood and moss working with the scape.

    30 Gallon Tank (long)

    -T5HO lighting (double bulb)

    -Pressurized Co2

    -Fluorite substrate (sand/and normal)

    -Hydor Inline Heater

    -Filters (I have these and must decide among them) :

    Eheim Ecco Classic

    Eheim 2215

    Eheim Ecco Pro 3

    Eheim 2217

    Plants to choose from:

    -Java fern Narrow

    -Anubias nana petite

    -Anubias coffeefolia

    -Java moss

    -Spikey Moss

    -Fissidens Moss

    -Hydrocotyle Verticillata

    -Hygrophila Pinatafida

    -Eleocharis parvula

    -Cryptocoryne Wendtii "Mi Oya"

    I have an Algae Army that moves from tank to tank But need to decide on a main Schooling fish.

    Either a slender bodied fish if going the Iwagumi way


    A mid bodied fish if going the jungle-route

    Suggestions? Please let me know I need help deciding

    again its a 30 gallon Long

    Panoramic Iwagumi vs. Layered Jungle Scape

    FTS (newly cleaned)




    Ferns that made me doubt my Iwagumi Plans:



  8. Today I did a water change and maintenance here are some shots from this morning and then during and after the water change. I also shot a video of the water change and me doing a small trim in the process that will be posted later on tonight. The first half of the video is in time lapse with some fitting music for your enjoyment. Let me know what you guys think =)


    planted one runner of H.pinnatifida

    trimmed the mosses (spiky and java)
















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