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Posts posted by gBOYsc2

  1. Calgary trail petland must have improved, as PJs it was always just kinda ok. Not usually bad but definitely not immaculate.

    I'll have to check them out sometime when I'm in the area.

    When is the last time you were there? I'm telling you when I was there it was immaculate and easily has the nicest show tanks in the city. Much nicer then big als' planted show tanks.

  2. Awesome glad to hear you had a good experience at Aquarium Central. Did you have the chance to meet/speak with Tuan?

    I go to either Big Al's on southside or Pet Land on Calgary Trail. Surprisingly, Pet Land has some really nice cichilids that are decently priced...I think they use to be called PJ's pets

    I was actually AMAZED at Pet Land on Calgary Trail. They have an immaculate fish room with some of the most amazing planted showtanks. Whoever is in charge of that fish room is doing a great job

  3. Is it on the glass or 'in' the glass? I think you can get permanent glass damage from a few cleaning chemicals (off hand I can't remember which ones), they cause the glass to appear misty or translucent because of the deposition/bonding of certain minerals in the surface pores of the glass. Actually its the same thing they do with smartphone screens, except more random and different elements. From what I understand, its not practical to 'undo' . Can make the glass pre-tensioned and thus stronger though.

    It's on the glass. I had trouble distinguishing which side of the glass it was on until I held something to each side fo the glass. It looks like hard water stains or something but it is almost not even there. Can barely feel it with my fingers and a razor doesn't seem to have any effect on it.

    Have you filled the tank with water yet? If not, give that a shot as sometimes the film isn't visible when the tank is filled.

    Just filled it today but I haven't checked what it will look like. The only reason I want it gone is because I want to paint the back of the tank black and don't want a white film between the glass and paint.

    I was suggested a magic eraser on a different site I am going to give that a try. If that doesn't work I will try the TSP then if that doesn't work who knows.

  4. Where would I find TriSodiumPhosphate?

    I've been there had the same problem tried everything finally gave up and spray painted the worst side and called it my back ground.

    tried:vinegar,CLR,petro based solvent,methyl hydrate,baking soda,isopropyl alcohol even tooth paste with a dremel puffing wheel.

    Bummer dude. I hope it's not the same case here. Did it show lots through the painted side?

  5. Not sure if I can keep the fissidens alive though with my ultra low tech setup :P

    Mine started slow but is doing alright in my "no" tech set up.

    Great news for me to hear! I'm going to have to get another piece of wood for the fissidens.

    I had fissidens in my low tech and it went from a fist sized clump to a small-head sized clump in about 6 months. Unfortunately I pushed too much light and got the black bush algae and haven't been able to get it out of the moss.

    Haha how much light is too much light?

  6. I am pretty stoked. I bought a clump of java moss from AC and I got a nice little portion of fissidens as well as a few little plantlets of javafern in there. What a great little surprise. Very happy about that as I'm just getting back into the hobby. These should be great to get me started.

    Not sure if I can keep the fissidens alive though with my ultra low tech setup :P

  7. I agree that was extremely difficult to read. nonetheless......

    I feel bad for your moms fish. Also feed bad for anyone that purchases fish from her and receives advice from her at the store she works at.

    Parents are funny like that. I believe my mom thinks there is nothing she can learn from me since I am her child. In fact there are TONS of things we can teach our parents. I tried to teach her a couple simple cooking tips that I have learned from TV shows and youtube but she ain't hearin it. She still thinks she's right even though she's wrong.

  8. I've got a bunch of rock that I'm not using. Some of it is lace rock and the rest is black rocks.

    What side of the city are you on rayfong? Also how big are the black rocks?

    Canaar and Burnco are great places to get rocks. Sometimes we get so few rocks for the aquarium that they don't even charge!

    Thanks Jason. Will have to check that out. What side of the city? It must be southside because everything I ever need is on the opposite side of the city haha.

    I would get the rock at Canar... I would stay away from that kind of drift wood

    I would stay away from that kind of drift wood

    You can't just say that and not give a reason!!!

    I would stay away from that kind of drift wood

    You can't just say that and not give a reason!!!

    i'd think he might be referring to 'possible' toxins and or pathogens etc etc.

    Boil it, treat it and it will be fine.

    Not sure why you would stay away from wood like that. All aquarium wood is collected in the wild.

    Yep pretty standard for any wild driftwood. Boil in a large pot or sun bake forever. Any other methods of treating I should know about?

  9. it's pretty quiet but the way I have the filter set up it does move the water around enough for my small fish. I may add a powerhead in the future or hide a sponge filter. With the fish and plants I've got in it the AC30 seems to do the job. AC can import the mr.aqua for you. It's marked up accordingly (If I tell you what they cost in San Diego you'll be mad) but they can do it for less then the cost of a Fluval edge.

    Thanks a bunch for the info :) I'll surely look into it in the future.

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