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Posts posted by Hippoherder

  1. The law makes sense to me. It would seem to me the intent of the law doesn't extend to fish that may also upset the balance of an ecosystem if they are imported. Snakeheads are legal in most of Canada and yet the government is on alert that introduced populations in the US may make it into Canadian waters. There was a small panic about it a few weeks ago but it was a false alarm. If you don't watch river monsters, they have one or two episodes highlighting how a foreign species was dumped into local waters (like the snakehead) and it is destroying the ecosystem. I think the asian carp was another one. Anyways, the law makes sense but I am sure it could be extended a bit further.

  2. But she was so cute bidding Jay! haha!

    So, let's arrange a sign, and when you give me the sign I will just start a song and dance routine. I am the worst singer and dancer known to man, so if that doesn't distract her we have no hope!

    Edit: I've been in some email discussions with Bill Bishop and what he has told me is bringing for annual killies... well, I will be making a stop at the bank on the way to the auction. There is going to be some AWESOME killies coming! As well as some other interesting fishies he is bringing!

    I might end up spending all my beer money allowance for a while to come!

    You can't leave us hanging like that :) What types of annual killies and fish?

  3. Where do you get your cyclopeeze?

    I feed my African cichlid fry live baby brine shrimp exclusively for two or three weeks. Then move them over to cyclopeeze and NLS crushed Grow formula with live BBS for a couple of weeks to wean them off of the BBS.

    That is just an average. My cyprichromis need live BBS longer and my tropheus fry, not as long.

    My shrimp take 24-30 h to hatch and then I use it within 6 hours.

  4. In my cherry shrimp tank, which also has 2 or 3 rainbow shrimp and 3 CRS I have a shrimp that is 2.5-3cms that is a uniform dark black cherry (almost black) except for 3 tiny white lines on the fan portion of its tail. I think it might be one of (what I though wa) a rainbow shrimp. I'm pretty sure it's not a cherry... not really big enough for a CRS...I seen it 3 or 4 times over a few weeks. It's hard to see since its so dark and I never have a camera when I see it. Really cool coloration, whish I knew for sure what it is. I thought rainbows were bluish.

  5. I have my CRS and cherries in the same tank at 74. The cherries did color up a bit more when I had the temp at 78-79, but I also had a dark sustrate and better lighting then as well so i can't say it was the temp for sure. Everyone is happy and the cherries are prolific at 74.

  6. I have a 20 gallon extra high that was intended for dwarf seahorses but that project will be delayed for another season. I am using it to start some multies (cichlid shell dwellers). I will be starting with 6. The tank has the same footprint as a 10 gallon tank but is 24 inches high. That leaves a lot of space empty since the multies hang out on the bottom. I can think of a fw things that may work in that space -neons or rasboras...I am getting some small rainbows for another tank (Pseudomugil gertrudae) and could put a couple in there... I was really hoping for a couple of cichlids to occupy the mid upper levels but not having much success finding something. Some say Kribs and rams could fit in that space but I think only if it was a long and not a high.

    Any suggestions?

  7. No I didn't get any from Gary this go round, I did want some gertrudae but was asleep at the wheel when the post went up. I will be away for work when the auctions are on. I really wanted to hear his talks. And get some eggs. He usually has cool stuff, depending on what eggs are in the mops that week. I could possibly trade Aru II's or IV's. Whatever you wanted to swap for.

    Sounds good. I am getting a few trios so I will have something to trade soon.

  8. I am going to be going with a rainbow fish tank soon and I wasn't sure if my shrimp are compatible with egg layers- meaning, will they eat the eggs. I have read 2 different opinions. One says they have been witnesses cleaning the eggs. Others just speculate that the eggs are fair game. Does anyone have any experience with this? The same question applies to the snails. Anyone have any experience with this? I need to know if I should find a new home for all these guys. If I do, what the heck do I use for a cleanup crew?


  9. ok thanks, i think ill look into the 12 by 12, where did you pick that up?

    If you are just looking for something that is more mechanical and will get some bacteria colonization (but not the best for it), I picked up a couple of cylindrical sponges that you slip over the intake at Big Als that didn't cost much. They came with an sponge insert to plug the bottom up as well. Other than that, the sponges are way too expensive imho.

  10. From what I have been reading, it sounds like additives don't work well or for long unless the water is reverse osmosis or purified first. I don't know for sure because this is my first time doing any of this. Peat is supposed to be a more stable solution...again from what I am understanding from my reading - not fromexperience.

    Reverse Osmosis. RO water will be close to neutral pH with little hardness. You can use a seachem product called Discus buffer. I use it and I know syno321 also uses it as well.

    What's the difference between Seachem's Acid buffer and Discus buffer?

    I bought some of the acid buffer to try and alter water parameters down to around ph 6.0 aswell but wasn't sure if it worked of if my digital ph meter is unreliable. I got the initial readings down almost instantly but checking a few hours later I got higher readings.

  11. I am going to need to lower my ph into the low 6 range. My understanding is PH down is only a temporary solution unless you purify your water prior. It sounds like the peat pellets are a bit of a better solution. I've never had to lower Ph before so this is new territory for me. Can someone reccomend one over the other? Do I just make a makeshift bag to store the peat pellets in my filter? I would hope there are some kind of instructions but I'd be ordering this online from Big Al's.

  12. I have done both. I had a colony of poison dart frogs in a river system tank . The long and the short of it is it will depend on the species you are housing together. As long as they are from similar climates you should be fine. In the frog tank I kept a school of neons, which were perfectly suited to the overall temp and conditions that the frogs needed ( keeping in mind dart frogs are largely terrestrial). I would suggest any number of rainforest frogs or tree frogs to make it interesting. In a 30 gallon (depending on how tall) , there are quite a few tiny frogs that would work.

    The newts could work but I ran into trouble. It might have just been an odd coincidence but my newts didn't thrive in my combo tank and a couple even came down with a funky disease/condition that my specialist vet couldn't put his finger on. It also turns out some of the stocked items that are used for newts may also be toxic to them.

    You could go aquatic frog but it would not be nearly as interesting and you would miss the chance to take advantage of the landscape. you could definatley get a small bromeliad and some small air ferns in a 30.

  13. I think I've finally aught the cichlid bug. I've never kept cichlids before but I think I am wanting to give them a try. I really like the idea of the shell dwellers to start. I've been reading up on them and they look like they need a species only tank. Has anyone had any experience keeping this fish with anything else? I would imagine shrimp or general community fish would get beaten up. Just wondering if anyone had any luck with anything. Also, is anyone breeding these?


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